[@CreeXLR] [center]Primrose didn't know how long she had been walking for, probably an hour or two at the very least. She was keeping a relatively easily pace, knowing that while she needed hurry to bridge the two day gap between her and the village, she also knew that she couldn't tire herself out so hastily. If she kept this pace hopefully she would reach the village before Orion finished his work and headed back to their camp. She didn't know if the bandits would still be there but she prayed for their sake they weren't if Orion returned only to find he was missing a sister. She only hoped she could get to him before that happen because she didn't need a crazed brother tearing apart everyone in the land as he tried to find her. She sighed. Hope, hope, hope. What good did hope do the world anymore? Hope wasn't going to bring her parents back. Hope wasn't going to right the wrong the evil beings had brought upon. And yet all they had to cling to was hope. Such a fragile emotion. So strong yet sp easily broken with the right words. She sighed quietly and glanced at the sky to make sure she was going the right way. Suddenly she heard a sound and froze mid-step. She barely tilted her head, ears straining. Boot steps. [i]Loud[/i] boot steps. Like something very large was crashing through the bracken and brush. Was it an orge? Troll? What other beings were there that sound that heavy? Being almost as silent as a ghost, Prim headed towards the origin of the sound and almost gasped at what she saw. What in the worlds [i]was this[/i]?! She had never seen a metal man before. Was it armor? She didn't know but found herself leaning forwards to get a closer look. She then out a small yelp as the rocks slid out from underneath her feet and she went tumbling down the embankment towards him. The child stopped a few feet away from him and laid there dazed, right ankle and throbbing in pain from the fall.[/center]