[@Eviledd1984] [color=ed1c24]"I'm...not certain? Most of them are just kinda doing a once-over of the place..." [/color]The appearance of another woman through another door surprised the young man, though he ended up just kind of watching in confusion for a bit as the first seemingly commanded her to search the place. [color=ed1c24]"Um...I'm a little lost here. Is this a raid or something? Is there some kinda problem?"[/color] Spinel lazily leaned forward to prop his head on his hand over the table and took a small sip of his beverage, not really visibly making a big deal of the whole thing. [color=ed1c24]"I really just got up, so I'm not entirely on top of things, but the inn keeper can check your warrant when they get back. Why don't you grab a coffee or something and just sit down wherever for a moment, both of you. This is actually a nice time to be here, when it's all quiet. Plenty of time to think before jumping into the day's adventures. Or the night's, for that matter." [/color]