[@Simple Unicycle] Arriving at their room, Sheil bows as soon as she steps inside. "Umm, thanks again. There was no way I would've survived had I stayed in the same room as them." As though to prove her point, they hear the sound of some kind of glass crashing from the trio's room above. They certainly were having fun up there... [@BytheSpleen] "Wait, no-!" The unfortunate Gnoll army beneath is sufficiently crushed in it's entirety, Earthrent causing much more force than Iosef may have bargained for, as it left nothing but blood and crushed bits and pieces of bone and flesh. Well, that was if he chose to even open the corresponding walls to get a look at what he'd done.. "Whoa... Now ain't that impressive, 'ey?" Asks the Jester, who had remained quiet all this time, appearing from seemingly nowhere behind Iosef. "An entire army -- albeit a rather small army in comparison to most nowadays -- crushed with a simple twist of a blade... But of course, that's what you should expect from the blade that created the living realm, haha!"