[b]Name:[/b] The Timelord of Dol-Tiras [b]Quote:[/b] There is but a single rule of time. It can be slowed, accelerated, frozen or manipulated, seen or ignored...but it can never be reversed. One can never regain time once it has past, as is true for all actions. One can only play with the present and future. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Demon Highlord [b]Age:[/b] Ageless [b]Appearance:[/b] A slight, dark-skinned being with eyes that look like glowing darkness, which if one were to look into them, they would feel like they were looking into the entirety of time itself, at a scale the mortal mind is incapable of grasping. Look at your own peril...it can drive a man insane. [b] Outfit/Equipment/Weapons: [/b] [i]Clothing:[/i] The Timelord wears a midnight black, hooded robe, with a black iron mask over his face, and with gauntlets and boots of the same metal. Silver, spidery embroidery adorns the robe, and if you stared at it long enough you might be able to see the embroidery shifting. A particularly keen observer might notice that the embroidery is not actually touching the robe...but hovering over it. [i]Swords:[/i] The Timelord bears two two-meter long katanas. Normally, most materials have a large amount of space between their atoms, but his katanas are made of a black metal that is highly compressed to have virtually no space between each atom. This makes them impressively dense and heavy, nearly a ton of raw iron made into a single katana. In addition, these katanas are locked into time, making them utterly indestructible, as they cannot be altered from their condition at the time they were locked in. They also possess a small short-range timefield that extends an infinitesimal moment to nearly a thousand years, resulting in every time the blade strikes something, it is as if the item is being struck constantly over the course of a thousand years, wearing away even the most durable of armors. The Timelord summons these blades from his hands at the beginning of a fight. [b] Physical capabilities:[/b] While seemingly slight of build, the Timelord possesses massively supernatural strength, speed, agility, and durability, able to stop an impact of up to ten tons with one hand, without the aid of magic. Similarly unaided, he can move through the center of a barrage of arrows without one harming him through evasion or deflection with his unaided limbs, or easily withstand impacts that would send him flying through the air by virtue of their sheer force against his low mass, brushing it off like nothing. He is not, however, impregnable, and sharp objects will cut him as they would any other. And if you apply enough sheer force, (On the order of several dozen tons) you can cause damage. His skin is also harder than normal human skin, (though just as cuttable) and he is a bit massier (not heavier...massier) than you might think from his build. As in, when he is not using his levitation to reduce his weight on his environment, about 500 lbs. This also means that it takes more effort to wound him, and he is capable of shrugging off attacks that would have greater effect on a normal human. His reflexes are nearly instantaneous, going from unconscious thought to conscious thought to action in nanoseconds, without modification of time. This is his physical abilities on the outside. On the inside, things get a bit...darker. As a demon, the blood running through his blade is not so much blood as it is liquid fire. That blood is also the material that comprises his entire body, albeit in another state. It gives him a slow regenerative ability, able to regrow limbs in a matter of hours, and recover from minor injuries in minutes or seconds. His internal organs have multiple redundancies, with the singular exception of his brain. This is merely his physical form, however...his true presence, the core of his being, is made manifest in the ethereal plane. You can kill his body...with a loose definition of can, it is in fact killable...however unless you destroy his ethereal shadow, he will merely reform over the course of a few days. [b]Skills/abilities/training:[/b] [i]Abilities[/i] [hider] [i]Time-field defense:[/i] The Timelord exerts a powerful time distortion field over his immediate vicinity. Whenever something that might cause harm to him comes within arm's reach of his flesh, be it physical, magical or energy in nature, time around it slows down by a factor of a hundred until the Timelord wills it to return to full speed. Objects slowed in time retain the energy they had at full speed, but over a longer period of time. To illustrate, I provide this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-a-JGr1C2I Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing is still speedy...just over a longer period of time. So a bullet will still wound him, if he puts part of himself in front of the bullet and it touches him. However, he can simply move the bullets out of the way as they are slowed by not touching them from the front. This is a passive ability, however he can deactivate it if it is undesirable in the situation. (For example...it is a lot easier to dodge a million bullets when they are nicely spaced out over a long distance with plenty of room to dodge, rather than slowing down as soon as they enter your zone and thus being spaced so closely together you can't move between them.) The field also does not need to fully envelope something to slow it. Dangers are slowed the instant any part of them comes within the field. A person swinging a sword into the field will have their entire self slowed. A car that flies into the field will still be hit with full force and speed by the car behind it, as that car is not within the field...yet the effect on the car in the field will be slowed, due to being in the field. That said, if any part of the car stops being a part of the whole that is touching the field, then it accelerates to normal speed. [i] Time-field enhancement:[/i] The Timelord can manipulate his own time relative to the outside world, to speed himself up or slow himself down, by a factor of up to a hundred. Thus he could literally dodge bullets without the benefit of his time-field defense...think the Matrix. Or he could slow himself in time to allow a danger to pass, or speed himself up to evade it and/or counter attack. [i]Telekinesis/Telepathy:[/i] The Timelord has those things. Any force he could apply with his body, he can apply to an object with his mind. He can also apply them to himself...meaning he can levitate and fly to a degree. And he can speak to people he knows through his mind. [i]Time-sense:[/i] The Timelord can see incoming dangers before they happen, making it impossible to take him by surprise. [i]Touch of time:[/i] The Timelord can generate fields of rapid aging on small areas that he comes in contact with. In addition, he can charge up this power in his hands or blades, then release it in an arc or wide cone over an area, continuing on until it dissipates. It cannot be blocked by conventional barriers, as it is not a "force" per say, but only a field of accelerated time...specifically, about a thousand years a second. It must dissipate when it goes beyond a hundred miles from the Timelord, however he can allow it to do so sooner. It also does not effect magical beings or constructs, as these require special effort to displace in time. [i]Time/space portal:[/i] The Timelord can teleport through time and space, sending him to another location in both. However, he can only go forward in time...not back. This ability can be used either on himself exclusively, in which case it is nearly instantaneous as he will vanish or reappear in a flash of purple light with the sound of a thunderclap, or to create a portal through which others can travel, which appears as a purple oval in the air through which people can go. Just prior to opening, this technique generates a massive concussive blast at the opening point, destroying anything in the way. [i]Arcane blast:[/i] The Timelord is not restricted to the manipulation of time and space. He can release a blast of arcane energies that can utterly incinerate in a second anything less durable than adamant, and exerts a force like a continuous supersonic missile impact on whatever it hits. It is also purple. [i]Mind-reading:[/i] The Timelord can read the minds of his enemies. Of course, he generally doesn't, since he generally just reads what they are going to be thinking in advance. Or what they are going to do. Which is why mental shielding techniques don't usually work on him. [/hider] [i]Skills[/i] [hider] [i]Intelligence:[/i] The Timelord has the mental ability to calculate the best way to slice a hundred bullets flying at him to pieces before most of them are fired, has the accuracy to shoot an F-16 at top speed out of the sky at a mile away with an Arcane Blast, and can learn every piece of knowledge developed in a topic over the entirety of history in a few seconds. Needless to say, he is smart. [i]Psychological warfare:[/i] The Timelord tends to use mental warfare on his enemies...not merely attacking the enemy mind with his own, but attempting to instill doubt and a sense of utter hopelessness by showing them the utter futility of their life and the meaninglessness of their existence in the images of the past and future. It has been enough to drive most kings quite mad when used on them. [/hider]