Harvey hadn't even spend a full month on earth and now this. The blue Lady looked so funny. Well all humans looked kind of funny. But that was besides the point. Harvey had realized he would not become the Overlord of this planet, so he had to start from the bottom. And this blue Daemon Lady might just be his ticket to rise in rank. Also it sounded like some fun and adventure. The other freaks who were standing next to him seemed just as funny, a bunch of weird humans in different costumes. This would be one heck of a mission. Or two missions actually. "[color=00aeef]I am going to be a part of the attack on the lair. I sleep in a garbage bin at the moment, this seems like a step up."[/color], Harvey had no idea why he said the second part. Did he make a fool out of himself? Did anyone even care? Human social behavior was weird. The Man who wanted to be a part of the Mafia hit (Whatever a Mafia was?) was wearing all black and a bird mask. Or was it even a human? How was Harvey supposed to know? This would be so weird. But at least Earth was not boring.