Eric was in a fifteen game winning streak when that blue women found him. Now he was in some warehouse surrounded by people he didn't know. At least with the money gained from previously stated winning streak he managed to buy some decent clothes. The hellish women spoke in a downright insulting manner, but she had connections. Pann made sure to remind Eric just how much they needed work, and how working with other demons might just springboard them into greater things. With, not for, Pann made sure to elaborate. One figure stepped up, guy wearing a rather creepy bird mask saying that he was going after the gambling joint, then the space man saying he wanted to take the secret base. [color=9e0b0f]"I love gambling, I think I'll be going with you mister..."[/color] Eric said as the voice in his head told him something and Eric finished his sentience, [color=9e0b0f]"doctor."[/color] Eric would then take a step towards the scary doctor, standing at his side.