Couscous smiled her friendly smile. She was already planning how to mess with people. It was her favorite pastime. Being a villian is just a perk. Tussling her white hair. Her outfit was lacking in any pass she looked lifted off the street. Would it not be the devious intent in her eyes. Wondering if any of the ones here were week in mind. She had to test it amounts her new 'friends'. Listening to the rude blue lady only log enough she wanted a lair. Directing her thoughts to the alien next to her. [@The Narrator] [i]How about introducing your self. Im sure they want to know. [/i] She said keeping her vision at the blue skinned insulting lady who said her daddy was interested in them. Who ever her 'Daddy' was must have inforced that name because why would a grown woman call her father daddy. Father father She would have to find her's. Make him apologize. Oh well Villains disappear all the time. [color=ff3355]" I would like to have a lair and robots are fun."[/color] She said muttering [color=ff3355]" To mess with"[/color] under her breath. [color=ff3355]" Ill go for that one. "[/color]