[H1][center][color=ForestGreen]Laurel Greenethorne [/color][/center][/h1] [H2][center] Location: [color=ForestGreen] Aberlyne [/color][/center][/h2][hr] Emily was kind of excited, sure she wasn't a huge fan of MMORPGs but this one was interesting, and she couldn't wait to check it out and see if the patch was as awesome as it sounded. Relaxing back into her chair she waited for what felt like hours for the patch to go through. And when it finally did, she waited anxiously as the progress bar loaded. What happened next, stole the breath right out of her chest. [H3] WHAT?! [/h3] She was not in the game, this was not, could not be possible. Breathing deeply, she looked backwards, and sure enough it was the shop she dropped the loot from grinding at. She was Aberlyne. But that was impossible, screaming she fell to her knees. What the hell was going on. Looking around wildly, she was freaking out. Jumping up she ran out of town and into the nearby forest. [hr] Hours later, once she had exhausted her stamina running and fighting, she found herself near some mountains. Not knowing where she was, she fell to the ground in a heap and waited for the world to make sense again.