After what seemed like an hour of searching due to the campus's size, Lan had finally found the entrance just in time as an announcement rang through the courtyard. "Greetings new students of Beacon Academy! Would you all please meet me at the auditorium for orientation! There should be one of the teachers near the front to guide you to the field! Thank you!" The girl had decided to follow the other students, as they seemed to all be heading the same way, she assumed they would lead her to the auditorium. She was still amazed at how huge the campus was as she took in the sights while continuing to follow the students, as she followed them she could hardly contain her excitement and eagerly wondered who she would be paired with. It was not long until she reached the auditorium with the others and had seen the teacher who seemed to be jotting down what she could only assume as notes about the students who came through and was approached by another student. She strolled over to introduce herself to both the student and the teacher "Hello, I'm sorry if I'm late, I must have gotten a little lost, My name is Lan Yueliang Long" she said as she bowed slightly as a sign of respect to the teacher