Howdy. Looks hella neat. I'd like to hop in as well. Here's my character sheet. [hider=Fritz & Tom] [b]Name:[/b] "Fritz" [b]Pact partner's name:[/b] Tom Atwood. [b]Age:[/b] Young by his race's standards, although probably considerably older than you are even still. [b]Pact partner's age:[/b] 22. [b]Description:[/b] [u]Fritz:[/u] Presently formless and only exists through sharing Tom's body. [u]Tom Atwood:[/u] Somewhat slender through poor nutrition. Pale skin accentuated with faint freckles. Wild black hair. Green eyes. Tends to wear a brown jacket with a white undershirt and blue denim jeans. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Pact partner's gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Demon. [b]Pact partner's race:[/b] Human. [b]Magic:[/b] Although he reassures Tom that he was once capable of much more, only transient vestiges of Fritz's former power remain. However, what Fritz can do reliably is call upon fire in a manner similar to how an elementalist specialized in that domain would. Tom, being something of a pyromaniac, is more than satisfied by this. [b]Equipment:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Surprisingly affable for a demon, although this, especially in terms of his relations to his host, serves a smokescreen concealing a more firm, controlling side. Despite his subtly domineering nature, he appears to genuinely have caring, although possessive, feelings towards Tom. He is at times is prone to bursts of mental instability or finds himself scatterbrained, which also tends to be when he is far more blatant about his dominating urges. Sometimes this even yields him overpowering his host and assuming direct control of his body for the duration of the event. With Tom at the whims of Fritz, and Fritz at the whims of madness, this seldom ends well. [b]History:[/b] "Fritz" as he is known to his present host, Tom Atwood, is the transdimensional carcass of what was a demon once summoned to Earth to perform some sorcerer's bidding decades ago. Given his present state, it did not work out particularly well for either Fritz or his conjurer. In a turn of events that is an equal mixture of fortune and misfortune for him, the attempted vanquishing of Fritz was sloppy work. This has left Fritz in somewhat awkward, maddening position of being dashed across multiple planes of existence, predominantly our universe and the spiritual realm. The majority of his consciousness happened to remain where he was slain, although nothing of his corporeal form remained on Earth. An interim solution was soon found. Tom Atwood, at the time aged 18, happened to be headed by Fritz's resting site in northern France while on a school trip. Tom, being a brooding, awkward, and most of all bitter loner, had wandered off from the main group, unable to tolerate their animate conversations and friendship in his jealousy. Fritz, desperate and opportunistic, interpreted Tom's out-loud thoughts on how he wished he had friends of his own to talk to and hang out with as an invitation to initiate a pact. Tom had no time to process or react. With the Earth-bound remnants of Fritz now housed within Tom's mind, both in a sense had what they were after. Fritz was given his present moniker by Tom due to the inexplicable thick German accent he possessed upon their first meeting. It has in recent years thinned a tad and picked up some English influence via Tom. Tom has of course gained several benefits from the bond. Using Tom's body as a conduit, Fritz is still able to conjure forth his infernal magic. Tom, having always somewhat baselessly fancied himself as above his peers, is himself ecstatic to now have these powers with which to truly elevate himself above them. The fact these powers are his through an actual, bona fide demon servant at that only sweetens the deal. Fritz is often content to leave Tom to his illusions of control, and even at times enjoys them. [b]Tom's History:[/b] Tom was born in Bristol. He is an only child and from a single parent household. His father, Richard Atwood, often left Tom completely on his lonesome, with only himself to rely upon. This isolated, self-dependent childhood did much to hinder his social growth. Having been expected to do handle responsibilities well in advance of his age, and realizing how far ahead this put him ahead of his schoolmates, this laid the foundations for a superiority complex that only served to make him even more alienated from those around him. Despite his high self image, his strong feelings of pre-destination, and doing somewhat well for himself in school, it did not take him long to fall into aimlessness. Once he met Fritz, he simply came to dismiss all things in the domain of normal existence as being far under his concern. He now lives as a drifter, heading from place to place. This pleases him a great deal, having such freedom over his life. Conveniently he ignores how many of these whims were actually put there by Fritz, for a purpose that eludes Tom completely. [/hider]