[h2]Yukimura Kirika, Lost Beastkin[/h2] "... Ah...?" Kirika blinked several times when... it was a fairy girl, that was certain, spoke to her. For a few moments she fidgeted awkwardly. Normally she wasn't so shy around people, but, well... this whole situation was crazy, and weird, and... what was she supposed to say to foreigners again? Unless she could tell what they wanted, she didn't know any languages very well aside from Japanese. She had some extremely basic English knowledge, but her ability to speak it was absolutely not a strongsuit. For a few moments she hesitated, her ears twitching slightly, unconsciously, as she shuffled her feet. "[u][i]Ai... do notto no... eigo![/i][/u]" she managed, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. It was a little embarrassing, and especially in this situation, where talking to someone was really important! But hopefully the fairy girl could help somehow in spite of this? She hoped so... [hr] [h2]Yukimura Fujiko, Furious Swordswoman[/h2] Gah, it was just too loud here! Grumbling to herself, Fujiko shoved through several people who had recently appeared, stomping off to find somewhere it was more likely Kirika could hear her voice. This wasn't good. It wasn't good at all. Kirika was last in one of the early areas, grinding away at monsters, but if she had come here... There was no question of it, Fujiko had to find her and she had to find her as soon as possible. She was alone, and probably scared, and in this place... what if she got hurt? What would that even be like here?! "Kirika-chan! It's onee-san, you don't have to be scared!" she called. And if someone was messing with her little sister... She had the Spark Blade. It'd be a good time to try it out in this... weird mashing of real life and Untold Eternity, wouldn't it? If Kirika couldn't hear her, though... there was a bar up ahead. Maybe someone in there had seen her! Fujiko sprinted up to the bar's door, grabbed it, and wrenched it open without even a moment's pause. Who gave a crap about being calm? Not in this situation. Not when Kirika might be in danger! "Oi oi oi!" she called. Her hand traveled to the collar of the first person she saw, and she pulled them closer to her, staring them directly in the eyes. "If you've seen a little white-haired beastkin mage girl with a bladed staff and a hat then tell me right now because she's my sister [i]and if you've seen her and you don't tell me I'm going to show you what real pain feels like![/i]" Perhaps attempting to question people under such a severe temper was not the best idea.