[h1][color=orangered]Theresa ot an Bol'hjar[/color], [b]Benedict Kaspin[/b][/h1] [hr] They ran through the smoke as quickly as possible. The clocktower gunner was still taking potshots at them, but was missing widely. Ben's size was still a problem - if he poked his head too far out of the cloud he'd make for an easier target. He kept low, moving through the buildings with Theresa beside him. They made it to the clocktower's base, and the gunfire stopped shortly thereafter. Theresa barged in through the wooden door leading inside, before turning back to Ben. "You can't fit inside!" She called out, "Can you still climb the tower like you said?" [b]"Yeah, I'll try. We'll take him by surprise."[/b] A nod, and Theresa turned back into the building. There were crates and spare gears littering the interior, and a winding staircase leading upward. Sword drawn, she began her ascent. The wood creaked, but it held her weight. She could hear Ben's slamming his claws against the side of the tower, making his way up towards the gunner's nest. As Theresa ran, her foot came upon a tripwire halfway up the staircase. She halted her ascent, looking around, and then upward, as a large metal gear fell from on high. She jumped backwards as the gear slammed into the staircase, obliterating it and several more on the way down. The stability of the structure was no longer sound - so Theresa had to hurry. She clung to the railing and bypassed the ruined stairs, quickly stepping but paying mind to anymore tripwires that may show up. Before long, she reached the top, with only a door barring her from the gunner. She kicked it open, and then immediately took cover behind it as several bullets flew out of the room. Seemed that gatling gun wasn't all this adversary was equipped with. Theresa turned and grabbed a broken piece of wood from the railing, tossing it into the room. The gunner immediately opened fire at the incoming debris, until his pistol wasn't doing anything but clicking. Theresa immediately ran in and charged at the gunner - he was wearing one of those metal coats that they'd seen on some bodies beforehand. And a cylindrical, heavy-looking helmet, all articles worn and weathered. The gunner drew an old sword from one of his belts. It was in horrible condition, wouldn't last long. Theresa brought her own sword down on the gunner's attempted guard, and the blade snapped right then and there. He backed away, only to have Theresa bash his helmet with her shield. Knocked onto the floor, the gunner threw up his arms as Theresa swung down at him. Evidently there were more plates under the coat, as the sword simply bounced off. The gunner swiped his leg at Theresa's, flipping her on her side. He immediately leapt at her, pinning her to the wooden floor and attempting to bash her head in with his armored fists. It took all of her strength to hold his fists away from her. But as she was losing the struggle, Ben arrived. The gunner turned his head as over by the shattered clock surface, where his stationary gatling turret was, the saurian reached in and grabbed the turret by its many barrels, pulling it out of the clocktower and letting it fall to the ground below. Theresa finally managed to push the gunner off of her, getting back up and joining Ben's side as he climbed into the room. The gunner reared back, now at the disadvantage. He turned his head, and ran towards a box in the corner of the room, with a push lever on top of it. [b]"NO!"[/b] He slammed his hand on the lever. Below them, at the base of the clocktower, the crates Theresa had seen all detonated in unison, blasting every inch of the immediate area to pieces. And as the explosion sounded, the clocktower began to fall.