[quote=@Lady Amalthea] [@McHaggis] lol okay fair enough, but little late now since the RP has been going on a while and it's been listed as her least favorite memory for nearly a month. I am sure Lance can come with up a reason to why so there would be another side to the story. [/quote] Yeah, I kinda missed that part, aaaaaaaa. But, look alike butler? Kid can't tell the difference between mustached menace and her father. I know I mistook a pair of jeans as my mom and was like AAAAAAAAAA when I found out it wasn't (both on a lady and on a mannequin hEH). So *shrug* I've just run it through my head multiple times and I can't see Reginald being physically abusive. As a counterpoint, it doesn't make sense for him to lock Marisol in a cupboard for knocking down an expensive thing and then give Gabe a stern talking to when he does the same thing (because I established he was the rowdy child between he, Rowan, Tati, Daniel, and Sam). I don't think he would change his tactics over the year, much less be sexist about it. It's not really what I thought when making him either and he's developed a lot further than I expected him to. So, not sure how I missed that part of the CS. It's my bad there. But, Iunno. Go ahead and keep it there and I'll have a workaround for it when the issue gets brought up ICly.