[hider=Third Invincible Sister] Name: Gang Min-Seo Persona: Third Invincible Sister Appearance: [img]http://www.ultimatesportstalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/s110.jpg[/img] [i]Gang Min-Seo calls a press conference to announce that she punched a man so hard his head exploded all over her. Attendance is low.[/i] Gang Min-Seo is now a tall and athletic woman, around 5'6". Someone she had gotten the idea that Americans are frightened by bikers, and has taken to dressing in stereotypical biker gear- leather, denim, fingerless gloves and so on. Age: 22 Archetype: Enhanced Power set: [u]Strength (2)-[/u] Min-Seo's strength has more than doubled from before, enabling her to lift up to half a ton (1000 pounds). [u]Leaping (1)-[/u] Min-Seo's increase in strength gives her the ability to leap great distances- around fifteen feet vertically or horizontally from a standing position. [u]Resistance (1)-[/u] The experiments have made her tougher than your average Joe, though not by much. She heals wounds in around two-thirds the average time, and a beating that would kill an average person is enough to knock her unconscious. [u]Bonus: BEST KOREA-[/u] Her earthshaking conviction makes her mind resistant to tampering. Origin Story: The rise of superhumans around the globe caused what some have termed a new arms race. Governments around the world seek to create the new living weapon, and all the great powers have fielded their own superhumans. Not one to be left behind, the leaders of North Korea put their greatest scientific minds to work on the task, seeking to create an unstoppable army of incredibly powerful superhumans. An exhaustive screening process for possible supersoldier ensued (read: random people were grabbed off the street and bombarded with radiation/ had robotic bits shoved inside them/ exposed to ancient magical artifacts). The most worthy subjects (the only survivors to come out with actual superpowers) were the five young Gang sisters. Young, patriotic and malleable, the five sisters were imbued with incredible strength and durability, then trained in Korean martial arts and the superiority of North Korea, the Glorious Leader, and the philosophy of [i]juche[/i]. The eldest and most powerful of the Invincible Sisters remained in Pyongyang as the Glorious Leader's personal bodyguard, while the other four were sent to infiltrate the territory of the worst enemies of North Korea. Second Invincible Sister was sent to South Korea, Third to the United States, Fourth to Japan, and Fifth to Israel. Their mission was simple: defeat the champions of each nation in front of the world press in order to prove once and for all the superiority of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! Reality quickly reared her ugly head- her forged passport immediately outed her as a covert operative at the airport. Forced to escape (by beating up a bunch of cops and customs officials) Gang Min-Seo found herself on the run, forced to reevaluate her orders and strategy. With her cover blown, it's best to hide out and try to make a few allies. If she has to demean herself by working for pay in the meantime, so be it- in the long run it goes towards carrying out her orders and helps her orchestrate the Inevitable Showdown with the American heroes. [/hider]