[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/y36wrAH.png[/img] [color=mediumaquamarine][h3]Nori Hisakawa[/h3] Red Sages[/color][/center] [hr] Nori looked over at Anzai for a moment, sitting down at the seat Seijo had offered him. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Nori. Nori Hisakawa, if you wanted a more formal introduction."[/color] He waited before continuing, only giving Yudai a nod of greeting while Seijo continued her ranting. It was a bit relieving to listen to; she was sounding less like a glorified commander, and more like a shinobi on their footing. Well, perhaps still slightly above them. There was definitely some arrogance in there, but nowhere near the levels of Mikoto, or as she had just implied, Anzai. She finally topped it off with the simple announcement that she was going to go get some rest, with an offhand comment about how their names had a tinge of similarity. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Well, her presence was short-lived, although I'm guessing that [i]have a blast[/i] means more along the lines of, [i]get to know each other while you have the chance.[/i] Not necessarily an order, but I agree with Yudai; I wouldn't mind knowing who I'm fighting alongside."[/color] Nori looked to Anzai, raising a curious eyebrow, although he figured that his facial expression meant little to the man. [color=mediumaquamarine]"You're blind, then? Between the cane and keeping your eyes closed like that, hopefully I'm not being rude with that assumption. It's really either that, or you are dedicated to giving off some sort of mysterious impression, which would be terribly ridiculous."[/color] Nori took his gaze from Anzai, looking over to Yudai now, a little less intrigued. [color=mediumaquamarine]"I recognize you better, Yudai. You went right in with the Lady Commander on the earlier mission, and were one of the first to catch up with her during the retreat after Mikoto and I. Seems as though she's rather impressed with your performance, and humility. Ah, but forgive me."[/color] Nori spread his arms and nodded his head in a mild apology. [color=mediumaquamarine]"Sorry, I didn't mean to rant like this. Just trailed off while stating my mind. Feel free to speak now."[/color] He was genuine about it. He had gone from wanting to start a conversation to throwing out his personal analysis; he wanted to hear what they had to say more than he wanted them to listen to him.