So just to pick it up again and continue being active in the OOC chat or otherwise fear I'm being unsocial-- The somewhat terrifying plague doctor, the card shark, a tougher than the average man, and a gorgon who can't really turn people to stone. These people are supposed to hold up, tear up, blood up, and otherwise make an example of a dirty mob casino while the A-lister supers are off dealing with an actual threat. The risks include the fact that every other person in there could have a gun, the mob boss in charge might know we're coming because of precog and decide he really like this particular establishment and decide to send reinforcements, a B or C-list hero coming by to see what's happening and keep order in the rest of the city while the big boys deal with the real trouble, and possible though not very likely infighting. Well at least there won't be any bio-weapons in cramp spaces, that would be a real hell to deal with.