Third Invincible Sister felt uneasy. She was being watched, she knew it. Not by surveillance, she knew that. But by the decadent capitalist pigdogs she passed by as she walked to the meeting in the warehouse district. Some of them shot her sidelong glances, a few even stared openly. Gang Min-Seo knew that her typical American outfit passed muster- the Glorious Leader himself had picked out her cowboy hat, Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt, Daisy Dukes, and bright red Air Jordans. No, it must be something else. Perhaps they could sense the raw power emanating from her. Yes, that must be it. She grinned to herself. Even the foolish and wasteful Americans could appreciate that their master was at hand. Arriving at the warehouse, she quickly looked around for any prying eyes or any sign of a trap before she went in. Nothing seemed awry, but she couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness. Her entry into the country last week had been tumultuous, to say the least. She had been discovered at the airport and forced to fight her way out, from there to go into hiding in the city. When the blue devil women had appeared in the flophouse, Third Invincible Sister thought for sure she had been caught. But the offer was intriguing to say the least. Intending to enter quietly and without fuss, Third Invincible Sister tore a wooden door from its hinges and tossed it aside before running into the warehouse, just catching the tail end of the briefing as she charged into the midst of the group. "Yes! The abandoned lair of a wasteful capitalist supervillain! A perfect base of operations for our war against the forces of decadence and oppression!" she shouted, not bothering to introduce herself or even look at any of her new comrades and best friends. "From there, we shall expand the glory of the true Korea until it covers the whole of this city!" She nodded, pleased with herself for being subtle and low-key. No need for her to scare any of the people she would have to make allies with in order to bring about the Inevitable Showdown.