[center][h2][color=2e3192]H A R L O C K R O S E[/color][/h2] [b]LOCATION[/b]: Morrigan's Estate > Vigilante Village [b][s]INTERACTION(S)[/s][/b]: Mentor (Morrigan) > No one. [hr][/center] "Kitten? Oh--KITTENNNNN.." A woman hollered throughout the shadows of the house, walking around a corner and up some grand staircases. She peeked around the corridor and raised an eyebrow of concern."Hmm.. I really hate doing this." she hummed to herself, walking into a room and opening the curtains abruptly. The window invited the rays of sunlight and soon a groan was heard form the bed as the woman watched with arms crossed."[color=2e3192]Aughhh...[/color]" the male faintly uttered, turning his back to face the torturing light and the woman which disturbed his sleep. "C'mon. It's time for the dead to wake up." Morrigan stated, walking over to the bed as she observed her student for a moment. The male buried himself deeper into the sheets and flicked one of his lion-like ears in response to the woman's demands."I'll be waiting in the car meat is on the table. Just eat it in the car, we're already late... Not that it matters anyways deary." Morrigan told him with a smile before walking away and shutting the door behind her gently. Harlock slowly gestured himself up with his arms, stretching cattily over the bed, mainly his arms were stretched. He then crawled to the edge of his bed and sat there, rolling his neck around and cracked a few of his bones in silence before finally getting up and grabbing some clothes in his hands, shuffling into the bathroom. It only took Harlock 20 minutes of showering and getting ready and whatnot, and either way his mentor never rushed him. Once he completed his morning routine he walked down the steps, putting on a loose black tank top to go with his dark gray sweats and throwing on shoes. The tattooed male made his way into the kitchen to grab the plate full of meat as well as the fork, before getting out the house and going inside Morrigan’s car. “I swear, you are a lucky child… I brought in your bag already.” she stated as he sat in, and looked up and down at his choice of clothing. “Well, This is new.” Morrigan grinned, pointing out how he didn’t seem to be covering up his tattoos at all. Harlock normally wore layers of clothing in the summer, covering up his tattoos often but it seemed as though his presence would now be more known. He eyed his mentor seemingly with dismay and looked back down at his food proceeding to eat. “Before we get there Kitty..” The woman drove. “You should make some friends. More friends that is. From now on as torturous as it sounds, we will be training in broad daylight with the other… children, rather than at night. I think it's about time you associate yourself with more people instead of wandering around the shadows of the day and being seen by few. Though, I’m sure you were popularly known as a lurker anyways. But, keep that in mind. I get you had friends at camp, but really open yourself up more. You do have the potential, I don’t see why you don’t use it.” Morrigan lectured. “[color=2e3192]Jesus, [i][b]ok[/b][/i] already. Shush for a bit, [i]please[/i].. I [b]hate[/b] talking in the morning.[/color]” Harlock complained. The Lion-like creature was never a morning person generally speaking which was why he was silent most of the times and he stuffed his mouth with bacon. “[color=2e3192]You’re cheap with the meat… 6 slices?[/color]” he glared at her, raising his clean plate up near her face before setting it down on the floor of the car. “Breakfast might be served at the camp, so until then. You can starve.” she giggled shrugging, hearing a frustrating sigh coming from Harlock.”[color=2e3192]Great.. Early.. Daylight… and… interacting with people.[/color]” he complained rolling his eyes. “Oh--You’re just not a morning person, you! You did great being social last year--Now you need to do even more better!” she encouraged. “[color=2e3192]I’m turning into a Manticore to scare the others away.[/color]” he begrudgingly said. “Oh--good kitty.” She reached over petting his head. Eventually they arrived to the camp parking the vehicle before getting out. “Macabre, Put your stuff away in the cabin first. If i don’t see you out by then, you’ll be punished.” Morrigan waved her finger around before he got out and grabbed his backpack and duffel bags, walking off to the same cabin he usually had. However he was stopped by his mentor. “Actually Kitten..” She paused, walking over to him and waving her fingers around to which his stuff began to float. “I’ll take these. They’ll probably pair you up with a cabin partner now.” She smiled. “[color=2e3192]You are [i]such[/i] a [u][b]bitch[/b][/u] this year..[/color]” He muttered. “Oh, is that so?” She asked. “Glad to know i’m doing something right.” Morrigan responded, tousling his hair before walking off with his stuff floating behind her. After that brief encounter with his mentor, Harlock turned to see the other members in silence. He kept his promise, and as she predicted he surely stood out of the crowd even more now. “[color=2e3192]This is too troublesome..[/color]” He stated to himself as he pocketed his hands in his sweats. Did he look more approachable or more scarier? Why did such a thing even matter to him anyways he figured, opinions were nothing but words and there were plenty of other things to get his head wrapped around on.