It's not like he has to deliver Saatur straight to his mother's door-- Abel is more suggesting that he might as well take the kid to town since he's heading that way anyway. I honestly don't care either way. Not that this seems to be of any concern whatsoever to Steven, but Abel WILL be even more angry should Steven shoot down his suggestion. Abel is stuck in a very awkward situation at the moment since Steven decided to take the horse from him. If he disagrees with Abel's suggestion in his current state, Abel will want to argue-- which could potentially waste even more time. Steven so far doesn't seem to have acknowledged the fact that Abel is mad at him, however. So if it is your intention for Steven to continue being oblivious to this fact, that tidbit shouldn't have any influence over whether or not Steven agrees to take Saatur or not. It's completely up to you. I am simply stating where Abel is temperament-wise if you want to have Steven consider that before making his decision. I honestly don't care either way. With Saatur not being comfortable in his presence-- it didn't stop him before, so I see no reason why it should stop him now. Saatur doesn't want to go home. Whether it's Steven or Abel taking him-- doesn't seem like it should matter.