Spyder awoke in a police evidence room. Again. His sensors came back online in time to see a blue skinned humanoid of unknown origins leaning back from having knocked a loose wire into place. He decided to call her lucky 2. Lucky 2 soon explained that she had come on behalf of someone called 'The Broker', who wished to hire him for a job, and that he should meet the rest of his team at a local warehouse. Finally someone had recognised his villainy as his own work. This was the key to everything, should this 'Broker' be impressed by his performance (and why wouldn’t he?) then more work and more importantly, more reputation, was soon to follow. Having a team to patch him up after fights was good as well, after all his master had decided against joining a team so that was as good as reason as any to join one. ----------------------------------- Spyder turned up at the warehouse early, eager to begin his true supervillain career. The others who turned up were promising, with several [NON-HUMAN ENTITIES: EXACT SPECIES UNKNOWN]s. After a brief rundown of the different jobs the rest of his [DESIGNATION SET: ALLIES] started dividing up for the jobs. It was a simple choice of course, having a lair was a key attribute of super villainy, so he would have to go in order to make sure it was done correctly. He skittered forward slightly and rose the volume on his speakers, selecting [GENERGIC HUMAN MALE VOICE 3] from his list. "Thank you Lucky 2, I shall accompany the human female and unknown non-human entity that sleeps in a garbage bin" He swung his turret towards each in turn "I look forward to committing acts of villainy with you". Soon after that the door burst open and another human female ran in, apparently deciding to join them on the lab mission. He didn’t know what this 'True Korea' was but she had chosen her new allies well indeed.