Jordyn gave a soft smile when he asked her to come back to his dorm with him, before he even mentioned the puppies. Honestly she really wanted to start getting even with that dick Devin before going and relaxing with Alex, but he sounded so hopeful and weak. She nodded her head after a moment. "That sounds nice Alex, plus I'm excited to see the puppies." She answered walking down the hall towards his dorm with him. Alex really wasn't that heavy or hard to help walk, so when he said something about extra stress on her, Jo just blinked looking at him as he leaned away. "Oh okay." She simply said deciding to not argue that she wasn't putting anymore stress on herself helping him, than the three books in her bag was. The first sight she sat as she walked in was Blaze and her puppies laying cuddled up on the floor by Alex's bed, and it made her smile. "Awe...they are so adorable, the picture didn't do them justice." She said softly not wanting to wake them up despite her want to pet them. Then she saw the one playing with the sock and her smile grew. When Alex scooted over for her to have room, Jordyn slowly crawled into the bed as well, careful not to hurt herself. She sat beside Alex leaning on the him a little as he put his arm around her careful not to put any weight on him, her left hand slipping into his to hold, relaxing sightly. "Awe, nice meet you, Firefly." Jordyn said to the hound on his lap as she let go of Alex's hand and reached her hand out for Firefly to smell slowly. "You're just a adorable little thing." She added seeing Storm appear over on Billies bed as her nails softly scratched the top of the hound puupies head. As she felt the kiss Alex panted on her cheek, Jordyn smiled still petting Firefly, until he turned her head so she'd look at him. She gave a soft look as he spoke. "Of course Alex." Jo said softly before he kissed her, she leaning slightly into the soft kiss before he pulled away. Her eyes watched him lean his head back. "It is." She said softly as his breathing relaxed like he was finally able to get some sleep, and she reached over taking his glasses off and putting them on his stand. Jordyn reached down petting the puppy a little more before feeling her eyes get heavy themselves, the pain she had been in, and still slightly was in was working her down. Not the mention the potion that needed sleep to really work. She stopped petting Fire and let her eyes close leaning against Alex for just a moment. A soft groan left Jo's lips as she woke up almost an hour later, she was cuddled up to Alex, her head resting on his chest. She let her body shift a little bit, there was still a throbbing but the pain was gone, leaving just a soreness. Still she was careful as she reluctantly moved away from the comfortableness that was cuddling to Alex. When she looked at the clock she frowned. "Oh shit." She whispered to herself as she realized that she slept through all but the last fifteen minutes of her sixth period, giving her just enough time to change from the clothes from gym she still had on. She looked back at Alex for a moment before rubbing his arm gently, as worried as he had been when she was in the infirmary, she didn't want to leave without him knowing. Once he showed sighs he was awake she spoke. "Alex, I have to go change. We already missed sixth and I don't want to miss three classes." She said leaning in and kissed his lips softly, touching his cheek before pulling away. "Your glasses are on the table. See you in seventh." She said before leaving and heading to her room barely having time to change and fix her hair before she had to leave, the halls becoming packed again. -- Molly laid on her back her head resting on her pillow, staring above her as she tried to calm her breathing, her whole body relaxed. "" She said her breath still rushed. "I take back what I said." She said looking at Adrian for a moment before rolling over and giving him another kiss before pulling away and getting up to find her clothes. As Molly started getting dressed she was quiet for a moment, despite how many times she had done this with new toys, it was always a little awkward. "Look Adrian, I don't know you well enough to know how you stand on relationships, but let me make one thing clear." She started as she pulled her skirt up and started looking for her shirt not even looking at him as she spoke. "I think relationships are full of shit, with the love dovey stuff that makes me sick. I honestly was bored and you were pissed which was hot, what is it humans call it? Friends with benefits? Booty call? Play date? Either way that's all we are going to be with this or nothing at all. Got it." She said looking up at him before pointing at her shirt by his feet. Molly smiled once he agree with what she was saying, and finished buttoning up her shirt before walking over to him and taking his tie her hand pulling it roughly as she stood on her tiptoes. "Good, because next time, you get to be the toy." She whispered in his ear softly. She let go of his tie and walked over to her desk grabbing her bag. "C'mon might as well walk to class with me. You have fourth and seventh with the same people in this school." Molly said opening the door making her room appear normal again. -- "Damn it Logan, where did you throw it?" Heather said frowning as she looked around her room. Logan putting on his pants and shaking his head. Wondering what the hell had to be wrong in his head to do this again, he wasn't ashamed of himself in the least. But every time things he had a hint out of control over, got just a little bit out of his control, or he was extremely stressed out. He ended up at Heathers. "Logan seriously!" Logan rolled his eyes looking around the room before pulling the black lace bra out of under the bed and holding it out. "It might help if you look where we were Heather." He said smirking a little as she took it and rolled her eyes. "Thanks love." She said kissing his lips quickly before she finished getting dressed. Logan put his shirt on and grabbed his tie before saying goodbye to Heather and leaving, buttioning his shirt up as he walked towards his dorm and grabbed some more vials, before heading to class. His mind on everything that had happened today, with the attack on Jo and attack on Billies newbloods, the last time things had been this bad, it had been when the first feud started. [I]Logan laughed lightly at Zach who was surrounded by some of Heather's siren friends that had a thing for him. Zach's ex watching from the other side of the cafeteria looking royalty pissed off. As the girls left them Logan looked at Zach and shook his head. "Dude, that was pathetic. You should have just left with Sophia, because the sirens are the worst people to use for this." Logan said. Zach looked over his shoulder at his ex before looking back at Logan and frowning. "Really because the cheating bitch looks pretty pissed. Beside I don't move as fast as you." He said as he ate some of the food in front of him. "I should borrow Heather from you, that would really piss her off. You know how much she hates her." Zach joked and Logan smirked. "You can if you want her, though she's a little too submissive." Logan said taking a few bites of his food as Zach stared at him, not really sure if Logan was being serous. "It's not a joke, we're in a open ended relationship. As long as we approve, we can sleep with other people." Logan said not even bothering to look up as he spoke, at least this way neither of them really cheated. Which helped him a lot, because really, Heather wasn't his type despite how much he liked her. Though Zach didn't have time to really answer before Clary appeared, saying Alex sent her. He nodded sighing, as long as it wasn't Billie that sent, he was available. "See you later man." Logan had no idea whatsoever on the situation he was walking into, but the first words he heard when Clary opened the door for him, was Alex talking about someone. He took a second to look around the room before coming in and shutting the door. Alex's eye were a solid black and Billie was...crying. Not angry crying, but really [i]crying[/I]. When Alex started pacing Logan moved over to the other side of Billie, he was still confused greatly on what was going on. Still he placed his hand on Billie's knee trying to confront her a little. "He tired to feed off you?!" Logan asked after Alex said it and was done talking, his tone turning angry as well as his eyes took on a red tint. His eyes seeing the bruising of her wrist as she said Devin kept coming after she had said no. He didn't think she was in the wrong calling her hounds, if anything he thought she shouldn't have called her hounds back, she should have let Storm and Blaze kill Devin. Devin deserved to have his fangs ripped out, and left to dry out. To be thrown out into the sun to burn to death, just for putting a mark on Billie. Logan watched Clary start packing a bag as he heard Billie trying to stop Alex from attacking Devin, and she was right. Alex attacking Devin right after she set her dogs on him, it was a terrible idea, it would make things a hundred times worse. Now, if he, went and beat the living shit out of Devin, until the only part of him moving was a mother fucking leg twich. As a vampire as well. That would be perfectly alright. He stood himself about to leave the dorm, but before he could Billie's arms were around him tightly and he put his arms around her. Logan looked over at Alex and sighed. "Yeah, I'll watch him." He answered though it was clear that he didn't want to, he wanted to fix this. When she hugged him again, he couldn't help his reaction, his eyes closing as the smell of her hair reached his nose. Damn it, he wanted to not let go and make her linger, he opened his eyes quickly and let his hand rub her back. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing, beautiful. Just go relax with Clary." Logan said before watching her and Clary faze out. Once the girl were gone, Logan took a deep breath and ran his hand over his face. He forced them to turn their normal green before opening them, and looking at Alex. "She's right you know. If you go and attack, kill him, burn his body, and piss on the ashes. It's just going to make things worse, your sister will be pissed at you, and she will have to deal with the aftermath by herself. Because you won't be here. So sit down and calm down man, we both know you want to be here to keep B safe." He sat his tone calm and cool though his mind was far from it. After a moment he sat on Billies bed. "Let me deal with this." He said looking at Alex his face serious. "I will slowly make every aspect of his life a living hell. Until he wishes that you had killed him. Once I'm done, you can have him to kill, he needs to suffer first." Logan told Alex his eyes starting to show the tint again.[/I] Logan's mind was brought back to the present as he saw the sight of Devin heading into the room. He was surprised that Devin didn't skip this class knowing that all of the people from their gym period would be there. Dumbass. Logan noticed Zach walk up beside him, before he had a chance to say anything Logan looked to him. "Wanna help me out Zach? You're faster than Devin. I don't plan on him getting away from me this time." Zach gave a laugh nodding. "Oh trust me he won't get out the door. This will be amusing." -- Mrs. Kane watched sitting cross legged on her desk as the students walked into her classroom. Her long red hair pulled into a bun and thin framed black glassed on her face. Her teachers assistant Melody handing out a [url=]journal[/url] to each of them as they entered the class. Much unlike the other classrooms however the students were not given a chance to sit beside who they wanted, as the chairs floated above the tables out of reach. The past two years Kane had to deal with students complaints that they could not sit with whomever they wanted first off. So they wouldn't be given the chance. Once everyone was inside and Melody had passed around all the journals the door closed and locked on its own before she spoke. "Welcome students, I'm Mrs. Kane and I will be your teacher." As she spoke her name appeared on the blackboard. "As you can see, there is no place for you to sit yet, this is because unlike your other classes you will not be able to pick your partner. In this class we do learning how to deal with other races. Including their culture, race laws, speech patterns, slang words, and so much more." She said her tone calm and relaxed before she stood from her desk. "My assistant gave you a journal along with a pen. Each of you will write your names on the front page of it and bring them up to my desk. Boys sit your journals in the pile on the already there, girls sit yours in a pile next to the boys. They will be randomized, and you'll get your partner and a seat." She instructed stepping back and watching as they did as they were told. Once they were done she tapped a finger on each stack before taking the top two. "Adrian Desmond and Jordyn Reid." She started holding out the journals back to them as the chairs floated down to their table in the back before she contiued. "Tiffany Reid and Logan Smith, Zachary Mordecai and Billie Sanders." She continued to put people together like Amber with Devin, and Willow with Salazar. "Alex and Sander and Molly Jaxson, Clarissa Day and Drakon Flores, Justin Henderson and Colette Evans." She finished with only Jackie left standing by herself. "Jacqueline Endman you will have to team up with another table for a few day as your partner Garrett Scothson hasn't arrived at the school yet. Everyone take a few moments to get to know your partners." She finished before sitting in her chair.