[color=004b80][h3]Gray Cièl - Outside of Room 9[/h3][/color] As Gray examined the corpse Irina mentioned that she was going to duck into her own room in order to grab her things. Gray nodded absent mindedly – she was attempting as best she could to keep her mind completely blank void of all thought as what she was doing left her perturbed enough. However she found as soon as she was alone she felt a deep and unsettling fear grow into her. There was something behind her or rather she knew there wasn’t anything behind her but she couldn’t shake the feeling there was. In odd surroundings such as these she found this to be common place, though she wasn’t used to being kidnapped – it was a feeling she had whenever she was at odds with her setting. But in the same moment that Gray almost [i]had[/i] to look back Irina returned. The sweet girl couldn’t have been sweeter in that moment as she was company. In a place like this company was worth more than gold. [color=004b80]“I haven’t found anything yet.”[/color] Gray sighed wiping her brow with her sleeve careful as to avoid anything her hands may have had on them. [color=004b80]"But that sounds like a good plan, there's not much left in my room."[/color] She glanced over to the right of the corpse and noticed that she was holding a piece of paper. Immediately a chill was sent up her spine, it could mean anything, say anything. But it was the fact that there was a single piece of paper left from this girl who looked so… Fresh. Irina knew that her grip wouldn’t budge – she knew this from watching movies. She took the claw hammer from her belt loop and pointed out the girl’s hand to Irina. [color=004b80]“It’s a note.”[/color] Was all Gray managed to release from her mouth. Her voice was raspy, gasping for air, light, hope, water, food – anything. It was when Gray thought about what she was about to do that her situation truly struck her. But she did it regardless. She took the claw of the hammer and pried the girl’s fingers open, wouldn’t be too difficult with leverage. She then immediately grabbed the piece of paper and got in beside Irina so that the girls could read it.