[@Spooky Tanuki] A white, inconspicuous van followed by a moving truck made its way through the small town. This town, originally just a quiet, insignificant spec of civilization, was now occupied monsters that were thought only to be silly local legends. This made the town of key importance to the government, for if the legends are true, and these monsters could steal the souls of humans, then something must be done. Thus, a secret agency was formed, one that very few knew about. It was only known as the UCCP, its acronym meaning unknown except to those within the organization. They had pulled skilled individuals from various organizations, most notably the military and the various intelligence services. They had one goal, and only one. To monitor the monsters, protect the civilians from harm, and detain/eliminate any monster who threatens the safety and security of the people and the nation. Alyona leaned against the passenger side window of the vehicle, watching the small town pass by. Next her, driving the van, was her partner Walter. She glanced over to him, observing his face of controlled, frustrated contempt. He was not thrilled about this assignment as much as she was. These monsters, ones who could absorb the very souls of humans, had peaked her curiosity, and was now happily allowed to violate every facet of their lives here in town. Find every secret, and maybe even get to see what they're made of if things get frisky. The two vehicles stopped in front of a house a few blocks away from where the monsters had settled in town. Walter turned to Alyona with sigh. "Alright, this is my stop, once we get what we need from the truck, you'll ride with the driver to your home on Willow Street. Have fun meeting your new neighbors. From there you'll-" "I've read the briefing, Agent Krauss, I know what my mission is. I'll be the face, and you, the..." she paused motioning her hands into air quotes "...'brains' of the operation." Before Walter could respond she was already out of the van and on her way to the truck. Walter seethed and shook his head. [i]"That confidence of hers is gonna get her killed, and I'm not sure if I should care or not..."[/i] he thought, watching Aylona hop into the moving truck. Soon they were off again, this time to the street that was soon becoming known as "Monster's Alley". Here was were the majority of the monster population from the underground had settled. Though it wasn't just houses, but even a monster owned business or two. Hell, there was even a bar not to far from where Alyona's new house was. Aylona, while not showing it, couldn't help but wonder at what she saw. Strange creatures walking the streets, all so odd and bizarre in their own way. From talking cats to walking skeletons, it was a sight to see for sure. "What on earth have I gotten myself into...." Alyona thought with a sigh as the truck pulled up in front of her new home. As she exited the truck, she saw her neigbor's door open. It revealed.... well.... a large goat, demon, thing wearing most notably a sun hat and a unique robe. She was followed by a boy who held a flower.... with a face on it... that talked.... Alyona immediatly reconnized them from the mission file, particularly the boy. His name was Frisk, apparently the one responsible for this whole mess. He was the acting "ambassador" when the monsters first emerged and since then has been the strangest center piece of monster-human relations. Putting on her warmest, friendliest look, Aylona aproached the group. "Hello there! Might you three be my new neighbors?" She asked as she approached, waving. [i]"Well, here it goes, the operation is ago...." [/i]