[hider=Bob] [center][h1][color=crimson][b][u]Bob[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/ce/4d/e5ce4d06563196477cbb2df58dab5765.jpg[/img] [u]Physical Description[/u]: Bob is a fairly typical looking Kushiban. Standing about 0.6 metres tall, he has long ears and a bushy tail. Like all Kushiban, Bob's fur changes colour with his mood. The standard colour being white. Bob has learned to control these colour changes to blend in with his environment but sometimes he changes without realizing when his emotions get the better of him. [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Bobecc (Bob to his friends) [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 43 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Race/Species:[/b][/u] Kushiban [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] Wanderer (takes jobs whenever and wherever he needs to) [u][b]Faction:[/b][/u] Bob doesn't like to swear allegiance to any group. He has been known to associate with the jedi however. [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] Usually carries twin pistols and a vibroblade but will carry others from time to time. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Doesn't usually carry much beyond a comm unit, some credits and bits and bobs...No pun intended. [u][b]Clothing:[/b][/u] Bob is usually only covered by his own fur but when he does wear clothes, his outfit's are usually rather understated. [u][b]Personal Ship:[/b][/u] [hider=The Trailblazer] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/dc23/i/2012/310/f/5/star_wars_aayla_secura__s_starfighter_by_adamkop-d5k40s9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b]Power/Abilities:[/b][/u] Bob is force sensitive, though this is information he doesn't choose to share with many people. His awareness of his surrounding is heightened and he has minor control over telekinesis. As a Kushiban, Bob is also highly agile. He is able to leap heights that a humanoid would not be able to and is incredibly fast when running on all four legs. Despite being able to walk on his hind legs, he is somewhat ungainly when running upright. [u][b]Combat:[/b][/u] Despite his size and unassuming nature, Bob is a master combatant and seems to love a good fight. He has received training in a number of different fighting styles including both armed and unarmed combat. He may lack some of the strength of a larger species but he isn't above employing a little bit of telekinesis behind his blows to make up for this. He strikes with an alarming efficiency and often seems to know exactly where to strike an opponent to do the most damage. In battle, Bob is a whirlwind of motion as he springs, leaps and twirls around the enemy, never seeming to stay in one place for more than a second. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Bob is well known for his cantankerous attitude. He broods a lot and will often complain about other people and things. At 43 years old, he's somewhat middle-aged and believes he has earned the right to be cranky. He has been through a lot in his lifetime and his experiences have left him tired of people's poodoo. He doesn't mince his words but he also knows when tact and diplomacy are called for. He has a tendency to be somewhat sneaky and will often use the fact that most people overlook him, believing him to be a pet or some kind of vermin, to his advantage. One of his favourite tactics is to hide in plain sight and wait for an enemy to get close. He also has a distinct mischievous side and loves to play pranks on the unsuspecting. Despite his generally grumpy nature, he has a tendency to act as something of a mentor to those he considers friends. His wise old sage side often shows itself around younger people. (Just imagine Clint Eastwood as a space bunny. That's Bob.) [u][b]Religion:[/b][/u] None [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Bob never really fit in back on Kushibah. While the rest of his people were content to just frolic in the fields, Bob longed for adventure. Most Kushiban avoided and feared Xincra-beasts. Bob actively sought them out to test himself against them. He acquired a few scars from some close calls but he always came out on top. He was never liked the others. He was reckless and headstrong and often got into trouble. The others looked at him like he was some kind of lunatic who would bring chaos upon them one day. His parents wanted him to become a farmer like them but the idea filled Bob with dread. He knew the life of a farmer was not for him. So when a stranger crash landed on Kushibah, Bob hatched a plan. It was simple enough for him to stowaway on the strangers vessel once it had been repaired. He didn't even look back. Once he was among the stars, Bob came out of hiding. The stranger mistook him for a simple minded animal that had accidentally wandered onto the ship. Bob was more than willing to let him keep thinking this. The stranger, whom Bob learned was a bounty hunter named Tyris Komo, took Bob across the galaxy with him. Bob took in the sights and sounds and learned how everything worked. It was amazing. Sadly, his friend met an untimely end. Tyris Komo was struck down by a blaster bolt while trying to apprehend a bounty. Bob lashed out the a telekinetic push and struck down his friend's killer, revealing himself to the dying Komo. Tyris was surprised to say the least but he was happy that his friend was there for him in the end. Tyris Komo died with a smile on his face. From that point on, Bob wandered across the galaxy, never really staying in one place for long. He took jobs here and there as he explored. He learned to defend himself and learned that he was force sensitive. He received some training in the force from a friendly Jedi but the life of a Jedi was not for him. Bob has been wandering the galaxy for decades now and has become grizzled and tired. He has seen a lot. Some of it good, some of it really really bad. Yet he still doesn't regret his decision to leave home. [u][b]Family:[/b][/u] A bunch of littermates back home. [/center] [/hider]