As the Captain and his engineer made their way towards the cargo bay, passing through bulkheads and walking down corridors, the scruffy pilot pondered Tes' question about all the secrecy with the Expanse. She made a valid point about why the Grannoks wanted to meet on the surface over having the Valkyrie dock with the Zephyr. There could have been any manner of reasons. Ruce glanced over his shoulder as he passed through a bulkhead, peering at Tes for a moment as he continued to walk down the corridor. [color=007236]"Who can say? Perhaps the Zephyr already has business 'ere? Maybe they're currently bein' watched by competitors an' they 'appened to 'ave a shuttle with a cloakin' device fitted they could use to slip past the radar and scanners? If they are bein' watched, then why would they let a decommissioned U.P.M.O.H.A Frigate to dock with 'em? I ain't got a clue wha' was in those boxes. The one I opened had farmin' equipment in. We can only 'ope this doesn't come back to bite us in the ass."[/color] Ruce answered the young woman as they entered the cargo bay. As Tes flipped over the railing and slid down the ladder, Benner perched himself against the railings and rest his elbows upon the handrail, loosing himself in his thoughts for a moment as he ran questions through his mind. The voice of his crew member snapped his back to reality though, where he glanced down at her with a subtle bewildered expression. [color=007236]"Huh? D.T? Err..."[/color] Ruce glanced about the cargo bay slowly and soon peered back down at Tes on the lower floor. [color=007236]"Yer got three days of D.T, though I may cut it short if anythin' worth our while pops up, so keep ya IMP to hand."[/color] The brown-haired pilot vaulted over the railings and slid down the ladder after Tes where he walked over to the rear cargo bay doors, glancing up at them and squinting at the hydraulics holding them closed. Yeah even he could see from here that they were worn down something fierce. Folding his arms across his chest and tapping the toes of his right foot against the floor a few times, the pilot turned and made his way over towards the small access lift in the corner of the cargo bay. Opening the door and getting inside, he hit the switch and waited as the access lift lowered him down out of the cargo bay and down on the landing pad. Walking underneath the Valkyrie, he had enough height to jump a couple feet into the air before he bonked his head on the underside of the hull, so he could comfortable walk upright without issue. He made his way across to the back right landing gear and looked up to see that there was indeed a breach there, about 2 feet across. Shouldn't take too much effort to fix. Flexing his knees, he jumped up and grabbed on the edge of the breach, where he pulled himself up and glanced around inside. [color=007236][i]I wonder wha' caused this? Hm, just need some replacement armoured hull an' we'll be golden.[/i][/color] Dropping back down and dusting his hands off, the Captain turned about and walked over towards the customs office, leaving the Valkyrie behind. She'd be safe docked in a tower. Passing through customs and security without issue, the scruffy pilot took a turbolift down to the surface and watched through the perspex glass as other ships and speeders zipped through the sky, carrying cargo and passengers to wherever their destinations took them. It made the young man smile. The sights and sounds of a city like Moni Vortau were almost as incredible as the sounds the Valkyrie made. [color=007236][i]I got three days to fix the Valkyrie. Wha' I need to do right now, is have a drink.[/i][/color] As the turbolift reached the surface, the pilot stepped out and took in a nice deep breath of the air here. Oh it was glorious. There was the smell of fresh cooked food! None of this rubbish processed crap that came in pills or tablet form, the whole 'everything you need in a pill' bullshit. No, this was proper food! A well cooked steak or a nice greasy burger and fries! Peering off to his right, the huge city was could be seen towering up into the sky. It must have been nice to the city folk, growing up and living within that thing, keeping all the nasty creatures and wildlife out. To Ruce, it felt like the iron bars of a prison, and believe him, he'd been on the wrong side of those a few times. Making his way past aliens of all kinds of races and species, Benner came across a tavern and he stepped inside. [img][/img] It was nice inside, with wooden decking covering the floor and chairs and tables made from wood also. The bar was made from matching materials, behind which a green-skinned alien with black bulging eyes served drinks, some frothing and others with creatures squirming about inside. The large room was set up in three layers. The entrance was on the lowest floor with a set of stairs leading up to the main drinking area, with a third higher level having windows, allowing one to look out across a large square where various merchants had peddler stalls and children could be seen playing in the streets. Hopping up the stairs to the bar, Ruce plonked himself down on a stool and peered at the drinks on the shelve behind the green skinned alien. [color=a36209]"Fem omleng lolennhil sve."[/color] Ruce scratched his chin, which reminded him about needing to shave at some point, but he quickly focused back on the alien before pointing at a bottle of deep red liquid. [color=007236]"I'll 'ave a glass of tha'."[/color] [color=a36209]"Ul gjagter."[/color] [color=007236]"Yes I'm sure. I know wha' it is."[/color] As the alien turned about to prepare the drink, the scruffy pilot pulled his datapad out of his jacket pocket and synced into the local transmission frequency to check up on news and announcements. Interestingly enough, there was an article about the Hundu Zephyr being here for some kinda of parade. Seemed the Zantu Expande were recruiting and they had come to this system with one of their prized and most famous ships to aid in their recruitment process. As the green alien gently placed the Captain's drink down before him, the pilot glanced at the alien and waved a hand to get it's attention. [color=007236]"Yer know if the Expanse 'ave had any luck recruitin' 'ere?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Manlurtle jådalismatnugral ulkat si tylltrorsilmarmarne jervnolstedmegtsin vøkttolvaeg."[/color] [color=007236]"Really? How interestin'... Thank yer."[/color] The brown-haired pilot began tapping away at his datapad and soon enough, he had finished writing up his own little recruitment article. His and Tes' little run-in with the Grannok's earlier and got the Captain wondering, and perhaps it was about time to get a few new hands on board the Valkyrie. He had a bad feeling in his gut that this wasn't the last time they'd be seeing the Grannok's or the Expanse or the Zephyr. [center]!!Crew Members Wanted!! Tired of living on a planet? Longing to get out there among the stars? Want to earn credits for simple cargo deliveries? Then look no further!! Captain Ruce Benner of the Valkyrie is looking for able bodied individuals willing to work hard and to strict deadlines. Living quarters will be provided. No uniform required, but please wear something because my chief engineer might kill you if you walk around naked. Must be willing to follow orders without question... to some degree. Tes doesn't half the time and it'd be nice if I had SOME authority on my own ship... Anyway, straying off topic. If interested, please leave me a holo message (or just a normal message) on this frequency and I'll be in touch soon! Fly Safe! Captain Ruce Benner.[/center] With a smug look spread across his face, the pilot plonked his datapad down onto the bartop and he took hold of his drink, taking a hearty swig with knocked him back off his stool and flat onto his back on the floor with a hefty thud. [color=007236]"Phsssshaaaa!!! Oooooh!! Tha's some good shit!!!"[/color]