[color=crimson]"So how was the job?"[/color] a confident female voice asked from the small communicator in the blond's ear. It was his wife Alexia, the most beautiful and possibly most powerful fighter in the galaxy. In his opinion, at least. Thankfully despite their differing lines of work they got to spend several days of the week together, though he labeled himself a mercenary he was probably more accurately described as an assassin. Tracking down to retrieve payment or kill if necessary, sabotage a corrupt government's equipment, breaking innocents out of jail, and the like. Rarely did he actually take part in actual warfare, it took a lot to convince him to invest in such a cause and even then he'd stand on moral ground which eliminated a lot of his potential customers that way. Though the jobs were often tough, they paid well at least which gave him the opportunity to pick and choose both his jobs and schedule. Came with the territory when you were good at your job. [color=skyblue]"Not bad, nothing I couldn't handle,"[/color] Sky answered quietly with a shrug before taking the last sip of his drink and set the glass on his table. All he had to do this time was rescue a princess from an oppressive military's flagship, nothing his stealth tech couldn't handle. [color=crimson]"I'm glad,"[/color] she said with a smile, twirling her hair around a finger as she looked over the city from their balcony back on Arccus. He could hear the sound of the metropolis on the other side, along with the sweet songs of the birds that perched on their roof. [color=crimson]"Nothing to report here really, no one dares cause trouble here anymore. So boring,"[/color] [color=skyblue]"Well if you didn't beat a whole gang on your own,"[/color] he chuckled, shaking his head as he picked up his glass and headed back towards the bartop. Seriously, if an unarmed martial artist was able to take down an entire gang on their own for fun would you try to break through that person's security especially when they were armed? As he reached the bartop and slid the glass towards the bartender, his eyes fell upon a familiar figure as said person fell off their chair. [color=skyblue]"...Uh oh.."[/color] [color=crimson]"What is it?"[/color] Alexia asked, a tinge of worry in her voice. Sky just chuckled, knowing that her worry was justified but in this case unnecessary. He knew why she worried, he was in a hostile bar after all, but there was no case for concern with the buffoon he was about to talk to. [color=skyblue]"I see trouble,"[/color] he told her. After a few seconds of silence it finally clicked for her, and she laughed. [color=crimson]"Oh it's your boyfriend then?"[/color] she teased, [color=crimson]"Say hi for me, you know how upset he'd be if he found out you didn't talk to him when you were there. I love you,"[/color] [color=skyblue]"I know,"[/color] he couldn't help but smile at her joke. She was too cute. [color=skyblue]"I love you too,"[/color] After pressing the button on his communicator to silence it, he made his way towards the captain before squatting over him with a small smirk on his face. Familiar as the scene was, at least Ruce wasn't getting his butt kicked this time. [color=skyblue]"You know we have to stop meeting like this, people are going to start saying things,"[/color] he teased, and almost right on cue someone in the background shouted [color=green]"GAY!"[/color] though the blond ignored it. He was confident enough in his sexuality to joke around like this, even if it made his friend want to deck him in the face. Not that he wasn't prepared for it anyway. [color=skyblue]"...And you do realize that you don't always have to get on your back for me right? I like the bottom too."[/color]