[center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Natalya%20Olsen&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=7F8EF0[/img][hr] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/eca75c1f7d15fedb4af09ebd09f1e892/tumblr_inline_mtlkcwFwfE1qjaok7.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Apartment 2C, Getting ready to leave. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Dom -[@Xtreme] & Everyone else via text.[hr]Natalya had made it to her apartment along with Dom as she rushed to the bathroom and turned on the shower, waiting before stepping inside for the water to get a little warm. [color=7f8ef0][b]"I am getting in the shower, Dom. No funny business this time."[/b][/color] She winked then went over to her phone, texting her best friend Tasha before stepping into the shower. [b]To: Tasha :D [color=7f8ef0]You better be here before I leave! >:D[/color][/b] She sent the message then sat the phone, stepping into the shower and loving the moment when the warm water hits her skin, relaxing her muscles. She showered for about ten minutes before stepping out and wrapping a towel around herself. Natalya dried herself off then brushed her teeth before placing on her undergarments. She sat down at her vanity mirror and started applying her makeup to her face before calling out towards Dom. [color=7f8ef0][b]"If you're not ready when I am, I will leave you."[/b][/color] That was her nervous side talking and not the Natalya that actually loves him. She couldn't leave Dom stranded on her big night. Her phone chimed as Jeje's name appeared across her screen. She didn't have time right now to text him back as she was getting ready. Natalya looked at herself in the mirror, a bit displeased with her makeup as she shrugged her shoulders and got up from her seated position, making her way over to the closet, opening the bag and pulling out her outfit. It was nothing more than a pure emerald green dress that went over her knees. She went over to her dresser drawer and pulled out various colors of Mardi Gras beads and place them around her next. Natalya was in the living area, pacing back and forth as she waited for Dom to finish getting ready before placing on her heels. She pulled her phone out again and decided to message everyone in a very massive group text. [b]To: Everyone ♥ [color=7f8ef0]If you want to follow me to the party better let me know. :)[/color][/b] She sent the message out then continued pacing but this time raised her hand up to her mouth and started biting her nails out of nervousness. She had no idea why she was so nervous. It was her birthday and party, after all. She sighed softly to herself while running her slender digits through her brunette locks of hair then looking at the time. It was 6:15. She had brought out a nearby club for her party and hoped that her friends liked the place since it wasn't The HUB. Natalya sat down with a huff and sigh then just waited for Dom to get ready and for Tasha to get to her place. Her mind wandered for a bit before realizing she hasn't seen or spoke to Kip all day. She was now worried about him as she picked up her phone again and shot him a text. [b]To: Kippy [color=7f8ef0]Hey there! Haven't heard from you all day. Everything okay? Also, you coming to the party right?[/color][/b] Once Dom was ready, she'd stand up and wave her arms while dropping them back down by her side. [color=7f8ef0][b]"Finally."[/b][/color] She'd speak towards him then give him a small hug with a kiss on his lips. [color=7f8ef0][b]"Sorry. Just a little bit nervous."[/b][/color] If he couldn't already tell. She'd hold onto his shoulder as she placed on her heels then released it while grabbing her mask, purse and cell phone, handing Dom some leftover beads she had laying around. [color=7f8ef0][b]"We got to wait for Tasha but if she's not here within the second, we're leaving."[/b][/color] Again, her nerves talking but she insisted while tapping her fingers on her wrist and her foot on the floor below her. She tried to waver her nerves away but couldn't and hope things would settle down when she got to her party. Her phone chimed again, hoping it was Tasha but it was Claire, wishing her a happy birthday. It was then she realized that she never texted Jeje back, too. Another sigh escaped over her parted lips as she sent them both replies. [b]To: Clair Bear [color=7f8ef0]Thank you, hon! And yay, I am so excited! Nervous but excited.[/color][/b] [b]To: Jeje [color=7f8ef0]Sorry for the late reply but don't you and Feliks screw up tonight. Please.[/color][/b][/center]