The sight always impressed Raymond. To reach the Council elevator you had to cross a large glass bridge that looked straight through the Spire. So many different species were on this bridge it was a wonder that it held the collected weight. All the species of the known galaxy could be seen just by walking this bridge. Spire officers patrolled the area as well. The sight below them was an impressive one. Billions of lights flickering as you looked down the center of the massive Hub, you could see the river flowing down, and then trickle out into the small circle where the Spire ended... But they weren't here to sight see. Raymond Chase walked steadily through the crowds, Rae and Pip by his side. After the conversation with the man he didn't think he was going to kill anyone or would be more dangerous than letting Ray walk around with a gun, so he simply cuffed him and that was it. It had been a while since he walked through this bridge. This would be the same room where he was Court Marshaled and sentenced to the Rock. He was also sent here to be told that he was now Captain of an exploration team. He had mixed emotions about this place, and none of them were really good. The three entered the elevator, and were brought straight up. The metal tube would briefly show them space outside of the Spire, and the star they orbited. It was a brilliant orange. "They will want a detailed report of what exactly happened." Raymond said quietly, his right hand holding down his left to stop it from twitching. "We can spare them the details of how I almost died out in space." Ray said, then he looked at Pip. "I wouldn't suggest using your colorful language. Only very few of them still have their senses of humor. We all just give them what they want, they thank us or don't, and then we'll be out in space again." He was rambling now, but it was probably just him trying to calm his own nerves. He didn't want to lose it in front of them. The doors opened to a very large circular room with large windows, each showing the terrain and weather of each home planet of the Council's race. Noi, Muck, Losc, Nox, and Earth. The Galactic Council was all there, all 31 of them, but each representative and Grand Chairman sat in the front. The three walked, their footsteps echoing on the marble floor. "Captain Raymond Chase of the Marauders, Doctor Luirae Driani of the Monroe, and Pip Bernadotte of Earth." The Chairman spoke, his voice booming through the room. "You all have had a critical role in the new civil war of the Sekvali from what I can see... Captain, Doctor, you are here to debrief us of the events and to give us a full report of the antidote to the poison... and Sir Bernadotte this will be your hearing for attempting to stow away on a Committee ship." The room fell silent, Raymond gave a nod of confirmation. "Well? Who would like to speak up first?" Representative Kail asked, rather frustrated and looked at both Raymond and Pip with a bit of disgust.