Well...I've skimmed the document, and my first impression is that it looks like you're trying to stuff a Pokemon VG style system into Digimon (especially reminds me of Hackmons). Just a bit too many stats for my personal taste, and though I understand a numerical MP gauge for techniques is tracked easier online versus PnP, I prefer spell slots simply because I dislike technique spam builds. The multi family "classing" can honestly get ridiculous for power gaming, and the group bias on features especially widens the gap between regular playable and distinctly powerful Digimon lines. It's really just a "create a class/monster" system right now rather than in the spirit of "no Digimon is useless/weak" I felt the anime liked to portray (unless you're allowing blatant exceptions like ZeedMilleniummon to be possible partners). Besides that, the Generation stat and its derivative system is solid, while the technique types are...again complicated to keep track of for the average DM picking this up but a decent concept. Excuse me for being blunt, but having experience and partial breakdowns over attempting to power game extensive meta systems like DnD 4th edition, while trying to keep my characters original as possible, made me grow sick and tired of those games. I understand that you play tested a previous iteration with a group months before, and improvements probably have been made since then, so I'm certainly not putting down your dedication and effort. I'm offering my services as a technical adviser rather than full DM (I have little actual experience besides subbing for my play group a few times), though when the time comes I'd like to join the players as long as I'm not involved with story elements; this way I could give better feedback on your system and help improve it at least how you envision it, without over complicating it by the end. By the way, my Digimon knowledge stems from briefly watching Adventures 1 & 2, Tamers, Data Squad, and Fusion, and also beating my Digimon World Dawn video game.