[center][h2]Amelia[/h2][/center] [hr] Amelia blinked when she heard what the small beastkin had said. [color=694489]Well, that certainly makes my job a lot harder. BUT! A little language barrier will not stop me from helping this little girl![/color] A cool wind blows across, causing the grass to sway silently as Amelia tries to think of how to try calm the girl down. She could tell that the girl was nervous about something from all the fidgeting she was doing. Suddenly, she points at the girl, and begins to say something, but she quickly lowers her hand and starts scratching her head as she figures out what to say. "Ka-, ka? Kaa... kuu... Ah! こわいで, eh, de-できないで...? Uhh, あたしが... ehh... ki- kii- kimii, uh きました? Yeah!" She points at the girl again, brimming with confidence. "こわいでできないで! あたしが きました!" Honestly, Amelia doesn't know how to speak Japanese. Like, at all. Fortunately, she was able to pick some things up from watching anime. However, it's not like she's ever taken a class, so she could only just barely manage a sentence, and even then the grammar was broken as hell. But, despite the absolutely awful attempt at speaking Japanese, Amelia crosses her arms and a confident smile spreads across her face as she waits for a response from the beastkin girl.