[h2][b]Date Manabu[/b][/h2] Date quickened his pace as he walked home through the rain. It was not as heavy when he left for a walk but now it was raining harder and his silk umbrella was not providing much support. He was hanging out with his friends on the virtual world but his mother sent him to the local convince store and now he was headed home. He stepped inside and took his shoes, dipping wet he drooped the food off in the kitchen and went upstairs to his room. The rain had almost soaked through his cloths so he was going to have to change. Today was not a good day for Date, he hated the rain, his mother was more annoying than usual and on top of all that she had him running around in this weather. After he changed he slumped down onto his bed with a aggravated sigh. All he wanted to do was go online and have a good time, but nooo "reality" had to step in and trample on his parade. But now he was alone, Date closed his eyes and when he opened them the bright world he loved come into view. His small avatar scampered around looking for fun.