[center][b]Reina Saotome || Namimori Highschool Rooftop[/b][/center] [I]-Earlier-[/I] [i]BANG.[/i] [color=9e0b0f]"[i]Huff... Huff...[/i] Re-Rei here, I'm not too late, am I?!"[/color] The metal door to the rooftop flung open with a loud thud as the raven haired student emerged from it, taking moments to catch her breath as if she had been running a marathon the entire day. Raising her head to glance about the area, azure eyes widened upon catching certain familiar figures in sight. [color=9e0b0f]"Hisaki? Fugimoto? You guys're invited to that Von- whatever group too?"[/color] Maybe it was right to come here after all, the teen thought to herself, clouds of doubt being swept away after knowing there were familiar people. A bright grin made its way upon her features as Rei approached the rest. But perhaps... having people she was familiar with to be involved in this kind of business was exactly what Rei wanted to avoid. The female delinquent was specifically concerned over the table tennis champion, Sanji. Unlike her and Hisaki, the sword wielder, she couldn't see the boy be involved in any sort of violence with how he was. There was a moment of silent glare towards the blond boy until a deep sigh broke the awkward tension. [color=9e0b0f]"If you're here, then that means you already made up your mind about this, huh? I won't stop you, but I'll be watching your back, ya hear me?"[/color] Before Rei could add anything more, the door flung open once more. By instinct, her head whipped towards the direction of the door, a smirk forming upon her lips at the sight of her best pal, Yoshiaki. [color=9e0b0f]"Heh, who woulda known the boss role was gonna be handed over to none other than Yoshi. No objections here, I'm totally in."[/color] While Rei did feel bad for joining a new group after disbanding the last group, her 'family', the current Rei was different from the Rei from then. After that loss, the tomboy had continued her training regimen religiously day after day to strengthen herself. It was about time she proved her resolve was strong enough to protect those who she held dear. [color=9e0b0f]"Glad to have you with us, Yoshi!"[/color] Rei casually rested her arm atop one of the boy's shoulder with a silly grin plastered across her face. [color=9e0b0f]"Mafia camping? Sounds like a challenge! So, what're you guys getting?"[/color]