[center] [h1][color=pink]Kazuhiko Ippitsusai[/color][/h1] [hr] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Apartment 2B, waking up from naptime. [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Nat -[@HushedWhispers] , Didi - [@lopsided]via text. [hr] Kip woke up from his nap after pulling an all-nighter to finish his gift for the Birthday lady, his skin was splattered with various specks of oil-paint... something he's gotten used to by now. He smiled triumphantly as he gazed at the gold-framed [i]painting[/i] he's been working on for two months, oil-based pieces are a [i]pain in the ass[/i] but it's nothing he can't deal with for Nat... speaking of Nat, he's been too caught up with painting that he hasn't texted her a greeting yet, or even anyone for that matter. And just as he was about to pick his phone up, a notification rang up. [b]From: Mami Nat [color=pink]Hey there! Haven't heard from you all day. Everything okay? Also, you coming to the party right?[/color] [/b] [/center] He started typing out a response but upon realizing the wad of oil paint on his palm, he immediately retracted, muttering a curse under his breath as he wiped the paint off of him with a rag but the damn thing was hard to get off. [color=pink]"Phone, activate voice control. Open up a blank message."[/color] He commanded his phone and it responded by pulling up a new message tab in the screen as he lay it down the desk. Ah, the wonders of technology, he thought. [color=pink]"Use contact, Natalya as recipient."[/color] His coarse dehydrated voice squealed out, it didn't respond. [color=pink]"Use contact, Natalya as recipient."[/color] He repeated, enunciating each word carefully. Now that he realized it, it's been a while since he said her actual name, she's been Mami Nat for a while now. [color=pink]"Write message, Happy Birthday!" "I have been occupied for the whole morning and half the afternoon so I was unable to greet you." "I am very sorry. I am doing okay, thank you for asking!" "I will be coming to the party, I would not miss it for anything." "Send message."[/color] He concluded with a cough and the phone complied, he reached for a half-filled bottle of water and drank the rest of it down. He glared at his phone and noticed[i] a little mishap[/i]. [center] [b]To: Mami Nat [color=pink] Happy birthday I have been octopus for the whole morning and have the afternoon so I was unable to greet you I am berries sore I am doing cake thank you for asking I wheel be coming to the party I wood nut miss it four any thing [/color] [/b] [/center] [color=pink]"Damn it! Ah, the woes of technology... oh well, can't do anything about that now."[/color] He sighed, flicking his fringe using his pinkie. [color=pink]What else am I missing?[/color] He thought eyeing the clothes he's going to wear and a gift wrap next to [i]the painting[/i], eventually remembering that he had to contact Didi. [color=pink]"Phone, open up a blank message."[/color] Once again, enunciating each syllable as well as he could, so it pulled up another message tab. [color=pink]"Use contact, Dolores as recipient." "Write message, Hey didster where are you at right now? We will be going to the party together right? Have you gotten something to wear? Please tell me you are going to wear a dress." "Send message."[/color] [color=pink]Fuck[/color], he thought, he forgot to check the message for errors... again. Welp. [center] [b]To: Anne Frank [color=pink] Hell disaster were are you at right now we will be gong to the part together write have you gotten some thing to where police tell me you are going to wed address[/color] [/b] [/center] [color=pink]Wait up, what? Oh, she'll get it.. Time to fix things up[/color], he thought, taking the rag as he dashed out the door and into the bathroom. Kip used soap, vegetable oil, alcohol and water to clean up, scrubbing each and every paint filled crevice of his skin then proceeded to take a quick warm bath. After taking a quick dip in the tub, he brushed his teeth, tired eyes staring at him from the mirror. He started thinking about the possibilities the coming party has to offer and remembered the [i]whole awkward situation with Felix[/i] and started feeling tense... he brushed it off with thoughts of fun times and picture perfect moments, He can't wait to add some interesting faces to [i]his collection[/i]. If anything can come out of this night, it's a good time... besides he's found a new family in them, [i]what can possibly go wrong[/i]? [center] [hr] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/f67463af7ac265c28a20c9aa89d50909/tumblr_o0vnw3uKvp1qjiv8lo1_540.jpg[/img] [hr] [/center]