[center][h2]The Tarot[/h2][/center] [hider=I - The Magician][center][h2]The Magician I[/h2] [i][h3]"There ain't no pot 'a gold at the end 'a [b]this[/b] rainbow, boyo."[/h3][/i] [u][h3]Vitals[/h3][/u] Name: Ezra O'Malley Title: The Magician Age: 44 Sex: Male Date of birth: July 22nd, 1972 Lineage: - Class/Major: Energy Elemental Class/Minor: Mage Occupation: Librarian Alignment: True Neutral Marital Status: Single Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland Blood Type: A- Eye Color: Electric blue over the whole eye. Glows. Height: Variable Weight: Variable Hair Color/Style: Light brown, short and neatly trimmed. General Appearance: In his normal appearance, Ezra is a middle aged Caucasian male, standing six feet tall and approximately 170 pounds. His clothing is a sweater over a white collared shirt, brown slacks and loafers, and a pair of circular spectacles on his nose. In energy form, he is still humanoid but his entire body turns into energy, glowing a bright blue-purple as energy radiates from his form. Skin Tone/Condition: Normal Markings: - [u][h3]Bio[/h3][/u] Voice: Normal Irish brogue. When in energy form his voice gains a reverb. Personality: Uppity, wise. Cynical, cunning. Knowledgeable. Backstory: Ezra is a mage. Well, was a mage. Learning alchemy and magic during more modern times was very difficult, but a man's basement was useful for many things. Through many years he practiced the dark arts down below, while supplementing his lifestyle by working as a clerk and volunteering at an old folks home. He studied magic, spellcasting and rituals for a long time, always obsessed with learning more every day. Eventually he stumbled across an old tome of immensely powerful spells, one of which was a spell of immortality. He just had to try it out, for an eternal life would mean knowledge beyond years. An eternity of learning. Exactly what he desired. For weeks he prepared the spell's ingredients, and when the time was right he carried out the ritual in his basement. What he overlooked was that the spell, instead of granting immortality the conventional way, instead granted eternal life through eternal stasis. The spell tore him and his basement out of reality and into the space between dimensions, hovering there at the edge of existence. Obviously this freaked him out immensely, but it also intrigued him too. Through more rigorous study, he soon found that time didn't flow correctly in that realm, if at all. The entire bubble that contained his basement and himself was separate from every timeline, every reality. It was timeless. And so began his studies proper. Through experimentation he found that the world outside was comprised of pure energy. Not magical, not physical, but pure, basic energy. It was with this knowledge that Ezra began crafting his new body. Combining animation spells with carefully adapted runic tattoos and binding spells, Ezra managed to contain a body of pure energy, similar to his. Then, with one last transference spell, he planted his consciousness into the energy body. The transfer bestowed upon him vast amounts of power, and the ability to travel through the dimensions. With time he learned how to control his abilities and expanded his little dimensional bubble. He turned it into a proper library, complete with massive shelves and other amenities. By exploring other dimensions and other realms, he gained massive amounts of knowledge and wisdom, also finding rare scrolls, tomes and artifacts that he brought back to his library for safekeeping. Eventually, through his travels, he stumbled upon the being known as the Dealer and, upon fighting him, he lost and was trapped within one of his enchanted Tarot cards. Today he represents the card called the Magician, and he is the first of the twenty two major arcana cards. He does the bidding of the Dealer, albeit reluctantly, in exchange for his relative freedom when he is not otherwise busy. [u][h3]Combat Stats[/h3][/u] Dominant Hand: Right Equipment:[list] [*]Upper Body:[list] [*] - [/list] [*]Lower Body:[list] [*] - [/list][/list] [u]Weapons[/u][list] [*]Energy - Ezra is a being made of pure energy, so it makes sense that energy would be his main weapon. He wields it in many forms; some magical, most physical. He is able to manifest weapons of pure energy made solid, and these weapons can be anything from swords to staves to firearms. If used magically, Ezra is able to change the form of the energy to a certain extent; turning it into an element is impossible, but emulating one is entirely possible. Thus he is able to conjure waves of energy, send energy through the earth, so on and so forth in regards to the elements. And, at the most basic level, Ezra can shoot or project beams or projectiles of raw energy that destroy anything they touch. [/list] [u]Abilities[/u][list] [*]Energy Form; Due to being entirely made of energy, regular physical attacks will not work against Ezra. Magic infused attacks or plain magic will harm him though. [*]Unkillable; if dealt enough damage, Ezra will dissipate into plain energy that disperses into the environment. After a long period of time his being will slowly reform itself out of ambient energy in his library or on the battlefield. [/list] [u]Magic[/u][list] [*]Energy; See above. [*]Arcana - Elemental; Through his study of the elements, Ezra knows how to manipulate them to a basic degree. Not as well as he knows energy. Deflecting or conjuring, along with basic manipulation. [/list] [/center][/hider] [hider=II - The High Priestess][/hider] [hider=III - The Empress][/hider] [hider=IV - The Emperor][center][h2]Guzman Galliard III - The Emperor[/h2] [i][h3]"It is my sworn duty to protect my family and my kingdom!"[/h3][/i] [u][h3]Vitals[/h3][/u] Name: Guzman Galliard III Title: King Gallant; The Emperor Age: 53 Sex: Male Date of birth: Feast Day, Year 403 Lineage: Galliard family, Heirs of the Golden Throne Class/Major: Paladin Class/Minor: Shieldbearer Occupation: King of the lands of Reculus Alignment: Lawful Good Marital Status: Married; three daughters, one son. Birthplace: Ulysses, Reculus Blood Type: ? Eye Color: Brown Height: 7' 5" Weight: 300 lbs Hair Color/Style: Windswept long grey hair, curly. Mustache and full beard. Beard is braided. General Appearance: Galliard is a big hulk of a man, titan-like in appearance. Clad in all manner of animal skins and leather armour, with furred hunting boots, a cloak of thick hide and a crown of gold and jewels, he is every way the spitting image of his title, King Gallant. A trophy necklace of animal teeth adorns his neck. Skin Tone/Condition: Tanned, scarred. Markings: His chest is covered in ritual tattoos of great hunts (a pack of dire wolves, a phoenix and a great serpent) and victories against his worst aggressors (an undead king, a bloodthirsty psychopath and a rival warlord). On his back is tattooed his family crest: a kite shield underneath a crossed sword and axe, with an eagle flying out from the top and a bear beneath. [u][h3]Bio[/h3][/u] Voice: Loud, booming. Gaelic accent. Personality: Upright. Loyal to a fault. Protective of those he considers family. Jovial. Steadfast. Earnest. Headstrong. Backstory: Guzman Galliard the Third was born in the township of Ulysses, a castle-fortress that served as a place of stay for travelers on the Kingdom Highway and the homes for the many farmers in the rolling hills. He belonged to the Galliard line of kings; honorable and heroic men who were in charge of the safety and prosperity of Ulysses. His father, Oswald Galliard the Fourth, handed Guzman the throne at the turn of the 427th Year, heralding the new year with a new king. For twenty years Guzman held the throne, besting many a foe and bringing the same good fortune and health to the townspeople under his care. He married a young woman during this time, later to be the queen and mother of his son, Grimmond. They would have three more children through the years, three lovely daughters: Griffith, Maine and Rose. By his fiftieth year of age, Guzman was growing old and Grimmond was reaching his twenty-first birthday. And then, in the year 456, it was finally time. All the townspeople were gathered in the castle courtyard. A grand feast was held in celebration of the old king passing his crown to the new. The whole family was present, including Guzman's father, now elderly but still healthy. Toasts were made, songs were sung and everybody was happy. At the end, Guzman was to present the crown and his ceremonial sword to his son and the ceremony would be complete. It would never come to be. The mysterious being known as the Dealer made its appearance, sealing Guzman within the card of the Emperor. It then vanished, leaving the kingdom in an uproar as the Galliard family tried to figure out what had happened. Meanwhile, between the dimensions, the Dealer cut Guzman a deal: if he did as he commanded, he would be allowed to return to his kingdom once a year to visit his family and make sure the kingdom was in order. Without any other choices, the good King obeyed. The first cycle around, Guzman immediately ordered another ceremonial crown, sword and shield made due to his extended absence. Now the original crown, sword and shield lay with the once-King on his travels through the dimensions, dealing the Dealer's justice where he sees fit. [u][h3]Combat Stats[/h3][/u] Dominant Hand: Right Equipment:[list] [*]Upper Body[list] [*]Ring of Frost; a sapphire ring on his left index finger. When the gem is touched it charges for a second then unleashes a five foot long, three foot wide cone of cold that instantly freezes anything within its reach. [*]Ring of Flame; a ruby ring on his left ring finger. When the gem is touched it charges for a second then fires a ball of fire in a ballistic trajectory towards a target. The fireball travels straight for about fifty feet before it starts to dip. [*]Ring of Healing; a pearl ring on his right ring finger. When the pearl is touched it charges then releases a burst of healing magic, instantly healing any moderate to light wounds. [/list] [*]Lower Body[list] [*] - [/list][/list] [u]Weapons[/u][list] [*]Bormak's Wrath; a large two-handed battle axe taken in combat after Galliard felled an enemy warlord that was muscling in on his territories violently and mercilessly. Galliard rode into battle, bested Bormak and claimed his axe as a fitting trophy and a warning to others not to contest his might. [*]Stalwart Shield; a kite shield forged by his blacksmiths, the shield has served as his family's badge of honour and as protective gear for all generations of the Galliard line. [*]Gallant Duty; a short sword also forged by family blacksmiths. Has been used by all generations of the family line as their combat and ceremonial sword. The sword is a double edged sword, reminiscent of a real world gladius. [/list] [u]Abilities[/u][list] [*]Superhuman King; through years of refining, hunting, fighting and waging war, Guzman's body has attained a significantly higher level of strength and endurance than your regular human. His reflexes are also heightened. [*]Titan; Guzman's immense strength lends force and weight to his blows. Each is like being hit with several hundred sledgehammers at once. [*]Unkillable; if the King is felled in combat (and he will cause he bleeds like any other human), the Dealer recalls his body into his card. The magics within the card restore and heal his body to optimal levels, thus ensuring that he can never truly die. [/list] [u]Magic[/u][list] [*] - [/list][/center][/hider] [hider=V - Hierophant][/hider] [hider=VI - The Lovers][/hider] [hider=VII - The Chariot][/hider] [hider=VIII - Strength][/hider] [hider=IX - The Hermit][/hider] [hider=X - The Wheel of Fortune][/hider] [hider=XI - Justice][/hider] [hider=XII - The Hanged Man][/hider] [hider=XIII - Death][/hider] [hider=XIV - Temperance][/hider] [hider=XV - The Devil][/hider] [hider=XVI - The Tower][/hider] [hider=XVII - The Star][/hider] [hider=XVIII - The Moon][/hider] [hider=XIX - The Sun][/hider] [hider=XX - Judgement][/hider] [hider=XXI - The World][/hider] [hider=0 - The Fool][/hider]