[center][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-6yAzsuxd3K8/VThOPYI1p9I/AAAAAAAADQM/S2NpZWWWp6s/w800-h800/headphones%2Becchi%2Bblue%2Beyes%2Blong%2Bhair%2Banime%2Banime%2Bgirls%2Bidolmaster%2Bvector%2Bart%2Bblack%2Bhair_wallpaperswa.com_22.jpg[/img] [hider= Mizuki, Natsuko] [b]Apperance:[/b] Deep sea blue eyes with blackish-brown hair. She doesn't care to much about her appearance since she thinks she's one of the guys and usually just throws on a pair of shorts or pants and pulls out a random shirt in the drawer. She usually has her headphones with her listening to music when shes alone or busy, which is rare to see since she's always talking or doing something. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Birthday:[/b] 10/31 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Store:[/b] The End Game. [b]Job:[/b] Manager/Clerk. She likes working the front of the store and leaves all the boring work to her assistant manager. [b]Personality:[/b] She's extremely energetic and always on the positive side. She's as stubborn as a bull and is quite absent minded. She always talks loud but is especially loud when playing games. Though she acts like a child she is quite smart, especially at marketing. She's also a Horrendous sore loser and doesn't know the meaning of "going easy". If she was asked to teach someone any sort of competitive event (which is highly discourage among her friends) she shows no mercy and do anything within the rules to win. she despises cheaters, like a lot. If she catches you cheating, espesailly with her, you will be thrown out of the store before being able to giving out any excuse. Not to much forethought goes into her actions and though she very respectful in other places she walks around the store like she owns it because...well she owns it. [b]Bio:[/b]She's nothing special from the educational view. She went through all twelve grades and got a advance high school diploma. She when to collage and got a bachelors degree in economics. Shortly after she bought this lot in the mall with the rest of her saving and started her own buisness. Her childhood was a happy one with no trama in anyway...except clowns. Both of her parents were gamers and still are to a lesser extent, so she was practically playing games since she was a baby. One of here fonder memories of that time is when they sat her down in front of a computer if she was bugging them to much and taught her to fish in World of Warcraft and she would do that for hours if they would let her. She got into card games in elementary with Yu-Gi-Oh and got further involved with all sorts of board and cards games throughout her life. She's dated a few guys before but never got very serious with any relationship and she's still a virgin. Her friends joke around that the guy she going to marry is gonna have to be someone pretty special to pull that off. [b]Likes:[/b] Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, DotA 2, competition, cheesecake, and PC as a game console. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cheaters, League of Legend, cheaters, broccoli, losing, did i mention cheaters? [b]Notes:[/b] Legend of Zelda, Luigi's mashion, and warcraft 3 are her top three best games ever. Her favorite games she likes to play after hours is Mortal Kombat X, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, and DotA 2. Is bad about eating healthy and remains so slim from contantly forgetting to eat meals with is more unhealthy. She has no liquor tolerance whatsoever. A small beer could get her ridicule drunk for the size so she tends to avoid drinking. [/hider][/center]