[@Nallore], [@ThatsWhatSheSaid] While driving, the girl asked Norman what happened. "Evo hunters," he said plain and simple, "Goddamn evo hunters. Broke into the office and tried to shoot me up, and I ran right out the window and fell onto the ground. All this glass got stuck in me... Better than being dead, though." Occasionally his words were stopped by Norman coughing up blood and wheezing, that or a grunt of pain. He tried to stop the bleeding, though it was bad... Really bad. Then they stopped at a school. Norman was about to ask what they were doing, but then saw the ambulances parked outside. Great, he almost died and there was an attack on a school. What more could go wrong? Well, not much. Thankfully, the girl stepped out of the car and walked to one of the paramedics. Norman opened the car door and tried to step out, only to shout in pain and start leaning against the hood. He begins shuffling towards the paramedic the girl had went to, but collapsed half way there.