[center][h1][b][color=wheat]JE[/color][color=0072bc]CHO[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF9RbQt5gytncroqJJ0q0ihWs_-YJ8xqQEviF8iWjWFGjfMCiB1r30Vxdp[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3chJc04.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]First Collaboration of [@SgtEasy] and [@ChaoticFox][/b][/center] [center][b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Didi [@lopsided], Eva [@Aewin], Connor [@Universorum] and Benji [@Raxacoricofallapatorius][/center] [hr] [center][b]Approximately Six Hours Before the Present[/b][/center] [hr] ((Someone better call an ambulance for [@Aewin], they may just have a heart attack )) The taste of the smooth black coffee rolled across her mouth as she took her first sip, savouring every moment of it. It was at this moment she peaked over the rim of her cup mid-sip and noticed a set of eyes staring back at her. It took a moment for her mind to register what was going on, but before long she scrambled to shove her earbuds back in as her cheeks went fire engine red. She tried to look busy typing on her laptop while in reality she was struggling to prevent herself from looking back as her heart raced. She retreated behind the veil of her hair once again, hiding behind her coffee cup. She looked over the top of her screen as Didi walked over and a wave of relief washed over her. She managed to squeak out a quiet “[color=0072bc]Hey girl.[/color]” before going awkwardly quiet once again. Jejomar let out a small disappointed tut, shaking his head at Eva. He tried to look as condescending as he could but his cheeks were still a bright red, beating heart overtaking his ears. "[color=f9ad81]Sup, Jay.[/color]" He froze, turning around slowly. Didi, the teaser of teasers, passed him by, walking directly towards Echo. Eyes following her, he saw her sit down on the table. His eyes drifted towards Echo, typing busily on her laptop. Jay being Jay, he didn't notice the fiery red blush on her face and the fact that she was trying (insert failing) to look busy on her laptop. Instead he focused on her quiet brown eyes, cute petite face, how her hair forms around her, how close she was. He saw himself in her, a likeableness that no one could match..... It was then, he decided. Echo was basically the woman he dreamed of. Years of loneliness and separation from the opposite sex, he dreamt of being with a woman like him. A cute, shy nerdy girl who could understand him. Someone he could [i]literally[/i] spend his whole life with. The shyness was just going to be a little barrier they would need to take care of. As a couple. Nothing mattered anymore as he focused at her, her and her alone. He stood, cheeks blazing a hot red, heart thumping even louder and faster. With each step, his confidence faded drastically. Still, he never faltered, not once did he hesitate. ‘[color=wheat][i]I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it.[/i][/color]’ He repeated it like some sort of mantra, forcing himself to make his way forward. He could hear nothing, see nothing and do nothing. He let himself go. As Jay stood before Echo, sweat dripping off his brow, cheeks ablaze. His heart was beating the fastest it ever has, breath getting hot. His hand felt like they were shaking, nervousness levels over 9000. He gave one last final sigh, a shaky release of breath as he looked down at her. “[color=wheat]E-Echo?[/color]” He stuttered, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible. “[color=wheat]W-Would you mind i-if I t-take you to the party?[/color]” He used all his remaining willpower(there isn't much left) to keep his voice steady for the last bit, face set in an awkward determination. And of course, Jejomar being Jejomar, scratched the back of his head with uncertainty. His mind was a wreck, a bundle of thoughts, both coherent and incoherent. All of them were centered around this question ‘[color=wheat][i]Did I do that right?[/i][/color]’ Echo just about had a heart attack when Je-Je seemingly appeared beside her out of nowhere. She clicked save on her code that had remained untouched for a good ten minutes now and took a few breaths to calm herself down, before pulling out her earbuds and looking at him with extremely nervous, yet welcoming brown doe eyes “[color=0072bc]Did you say something?[/color]” Inside, her stomach was doing backflips and her heart beating a mile a minute, but tried to look as calm and collected on the outside as possible. Her hands shook like they were in an earthquake, pressed firmly against her lap to hide it, and she looked down as soon as she stopped talking. She glanced between Je-Je and Didi for a moment, unsure of what to do. She genuinely couldn’t make out what he had said. Jejomar was at a loss for words. It had taken him all of his willpower, confidence and emotions to say one sentence. Oh how he wished he had all that back again. His eyes widened for a brief second before turning into a face that was unsure what to do. Should he be angry? Sad? An absolute nervous wreck? His face chose the latter. All he could hear was the fast beat of his heart, small parts of his mind wondering how he hasn't had a heart attack yet. He opened his mouth then closed it. When he began to calm down a little bit (a very miniscule amount), he opened his mouth again. “[color=wheat]W-well, u-uh.[/color]” His stutter was worse now, his willpower was completely empty “[color=wheat]I-I asked i-if you a-and I c-could…[/color]” he paused for a few tense moments, as if to gather confidence. “[color=wheat]I-I l-love you.[/color]” He whispered the last bit very quietly so that only Echo could hear. The silence was deafening. The tension between the two of them was so high you could hang a clothesline on it and dry laundry for a week. Echo was stunned, absolutely motionless, as if she was a chameleon just trying to disappear for a moment. Stuck in suspended animation. She blinked a few times, almost in disbelief, and yet she couldn’t have misheard that. It was unmistakable. She raised a trembling hand from her lap and grabbed her coffee cup for a drink, but dropped it the moment it touched her lips, spilling luke warm coffee all over herself. Acting as if nothing had happened, she looked up to meet his eyes and opened her mouth to speak. But what came out was not what she expected “[color=0072bc]...I-I...do too[/color]” she paused for a moment, taking in a breath “[color=0072bc]...No...that’s not…[/color]” she looked like she was about to cry. “[color=0072bc]I’m s-sorry...t-that’s not what I meant….[/color]” Tears were streaming down her face at this point, before she practically jumped out of her chair and hugged him tightly, every inch of her breaking down into a fit of mixed emotions. This was all so overwhelming. Jay paused, everything was going in slow motion. The crying, sobbing girl, the one he loved, was hugging him. For a brief moment, his hands were slack beside him, face in a state of shock. He then put his arms into action, wrapping Echo in an embrace of his own. All his loneliness, the sadness, anger, the soul-crushing emotions that came with it, was all gone. His heart burst open as he felt warmth run through him. He felt a tingling sensation as he buried his head in her hair, smelling her scent. She was now [i]his[/i]. The girl of his dreams, the one he wished he would one day marry, she was now here. Hugging him. “[color=wheat]Don’t worry.[/color]” he hugged her tightly, whispering in her ear to soothe her crying. “[color=wheat]I’ve got you and I’ll [b]never[/b] leave you alone.[/color]” He wished that they could stay in that position, for eternity. For once, he felt his empty heart filled with love. There weren’t any words in the english language that Echo could pick to describe the current situation. The now cold coffee that covered her didn’t seem to phase her whatsoever as she slowly released him from the embrace. She looked up at him through the locks of her dark brown hair, her makeup that was now all messed up from the crying fit that was intended to make her look cute, despite being messed up, somehow made her look more innocent than before. “[color=0072bc]...I...I need to go change…[/color]” was all she was able to manage in a whisper of a voice. She slowly went to pack her bag back up, glancing at Didi, before offering her hand to Je-Je to lead him off towards her place.