[b]Sick Bay[/b] "Prep examination rooms three and four for triage, and keep the first three ORs open and on standby in case that away mission goes sideways." The members of Carter's medical staff agreed and scurried off to do their tasks. He stood near the front entrance with his tablet, monitoring the current condition aboard the ship. [i]Orion[/i] and the Dominion ship had exchanged fire with damage to both parties, more so to the Dominion ship than to [i]Orion[/i]. Carter was expecting casualties to roll into Sick Bay quickly, but from all reports there would be no serious and life-threatening injuries. The real concern was for the away team. They'd beamed away just a few minutes ago into unfamiliar and unfriendly territory. There was no doubt that they would came back with at least some wounded or dead. "Captain's coming," one of the orderlies reported as he pushed a hover gurney by. "My buddy on the bridge just told me she's coming down here." "Why?" Carter asked with a furrowed brow. "Doesn't she have enough to do up there?" "She's banged up, apparently," the orderly said, disappearing around the corner. Carter cursed and eyed the entrance. With a crisis looming, the last thing he wanted was the CO hovering over his shoulder and watching the medical staff at work. "Nurse Dera," he called to his Orion nurse. "Prep exam room five instead of three. We'll save that for our VIP."