Terrance Neston Terrance follows the other students to the Slytherin common room. As they arrive near the common room, he hears two of them talking about the other house's common rooms, with a remark about how they probably shouldn't expect much of them in comparison. Coming up near them, he interjects into the conversation. "[color=007236]I don't know about that. The Hufflepuff common room probably won't be much, and the Ravenclaw one would probably be a library, but the Gryffindor one is probably at least as good as ours. The rooms reflect the houses, they are ideal for the house that uses them. So while we would probably think ours the best, they would think the opposite. And the Gryffindor house has attributes somewhat complimentary to ours, so it stands to reason that it would be another side of the same coin for their common room.[/color]" He pauses for a moment in his explanation. "[color=007236]But since we probably won't be entering any of their rooms, I doubt it really matters.[/color]"