[color=6ecff6][b]"Yawn~" [/b][/color] Yuki couldn't stop herself from letting out such a cute tired noise as Shiso carried on explaining after she had thrown the slipper from her foot, though she had been expecting this so had gotten a spare from her locker to put on her foot. Trailing her gaze across all that were currently present at the meeting she couldn't help but notice that someone had the feeling of a killing just like what she was hiding herself, after all the last thing she wanted was for others to get freaked out by her assassin status so she would keep it hidden for the time being. Though her and Shiso did look like sisters normally, with the fox traits on one of them people could likely not be able to tell unless they picked up on her actions such as being unafraid to throw things at the silly fox... [color=F19CBB]"Anyone who wants to join me can head over there."[/color] Now the girl had always been fast and her sister knew this very well, even more so with her her style of fighting strengthening her legs, however she had never seen the white blur move as fast as she did within that single moment. Like lightning she had dashed up and rushed to cling to Ayumu's arm before anyone else could get close to the boy. [b][color=6ecff6]"I'll come with you."[/color][/b] She said bluntly, as if her intentions were not made clear by the simple act of clinging to him didn't make that clear... While she was holding onto Ayumu's arm her eyes moved over to the person that would be their future boss and then to her sister. She understood why she had been placed her as a sort of starter assignment to test out her capabilities, but her sister use to be one of the personal bodyguards to the head themselves and even without using her killing art she had remained there as the strongest among the family, in her opinion anyway... So why was she here now? She did not know but she would respect her sisters wishes, though she did not know that Shiso had picked out this assignment as a sort of 'holiday' after being hurt from before, so spending time with her cute little sister was just the type of healing she needed!