Teruk sat in the mess hall behind the bridge, addressing the woman on screen. "It's good to see you again T'Sil. How are they treating you?" "It is agreeable to see you again too. The penal colony is definitely preferable to what the Cardassians would have done to us if you didn't turn us in to Star Fleet Intelligence." "Of course," he said, sipping a cup of coffee, as he'd developed a habit of doing while under cover in the Maquis. "Did you call just to reminisce? I don't mind doing that, but I'm currently on duty, so I should call you back later, maybe five hours from now." "Mostly," she said, "but I was also hoping you could come and visit." She looked slightly downward, a bit sad, something which with most Vulcans would be a sign of mental disorder, but with her was just a normal thing. "I haven't had a good game of Kal-toh sense coming here. I would love it if you could play a game with me. In person." The last sentence was said with a bit of allure. "Of course." he said. "I would love a game of... Kal-toh. I will try and visit you the next..." The lights in the room turned red. "I'm sorry, but I've got to go. I'll call you back, maybe tonight." "Of course," she said, "I will speak with you later." She deactivated the link. Teruk headed for the bridge. [hr] Several minutes later, when the Captain left to go to sickbay, Teruk follow her into the turbolift. "Captain, if you have a minute," he said, stepping into the turbolift before the doors closed. "I would like to discuss something with you." After the door closed and the lift had started he began speaking again. "If you are planning to interrogate the Vorta, I would like to be the one to do it. They have proven resistant to standard interrogation techniques, but I believe I could be successful via...alternative methods."