[Center]Sanji Fugimoto||Namamori School Rooftop[/center] Reina Saotome, Sanji's [s]Babysitter[/s] [s]Bodyguard[/s] [s]Walking Pile Driver[/s] Friend...Friend is a stretch, bursted through the door. [Color=Lime]"Punctual as usual"[/color] he sarcastically said. It seemed that everyone one was here, more a little intimidating than others, but here. Yuki, was here too Sanji knew little about her, but he was friendly with her, he waved his hand awkwardly at her and smiled, boy this was gonna be a long day. He sucked up his gut and resumed it like any other day confidence, confidence, confidence. Sanji had a small staring competition with his 'Babysitter' (He had to say it himself he knew there's a chance it would stick) he fixed his hair assuming that was the staring but was soon told by Rei, what she thought [color=lime]"You watch my back pfffft I'll be taking care of you like a child just call me mother goose"[/color] he couldn't help but hold back a laugh at his own response. Turns out everyone wasn't here.... Yoshiki just as Rei did burst through the door, [color=lime]"Really shows the brains behind the mafia can't even have a 'Groupchat'"[/color] he felt as if they invited Namamori' s toughest to fight too the death...Oh wait....He was here. Surprisingly Yoshiaki seemed quite determined and calm, phew Sanji could take the bullet proof vest off. [Color=Lime]"Well you seem excited, I'm not sure whether to be scared or happy, but for my healths sake, happy so nice too meet you"[/color] As Sanji heard it was camping the excitement flew through him like a blazing fire. [Color=lime]"Perfect we'll build fires, pitch tents, roast m-"[/color] his stomach rumbled and just like that his guardian angel kicked in Ayumu offering anyone who wanted to come to the shops could do so as they please. [Color=lime]"If it's cool with you, mind if I join ya?"[/color] he said with a smile walking up to him. (First impressions, gotta count for something).