[center] [img]http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j352/rebalthera/1d6242c4-278a-405f-9711-9886b8feed68_zpsreenrtwx.png[/img] [h1][color=#c5f1d0] Feliks Grezskiewicz [/color][/h1] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Yogavana [u][b] Interacting with:[/b][/u] [@Aewin] [@Universorum] [@SgtEasy][/center] [hr] Thank god for mononucleosis. TWO of the yoga instructors at Yogavana has caught it and ended up taking time off last minute. Which, by the way, was super sketchy. Feliks had tried to get them to admit they were hooking up weeks ago but [i]nooooo[/i]. They just [i]”happened”[/i] to need to go to the bathroom at the same time almost every day, they just [i]”happened”[/i] to come back looking flustered more often than not, there was absolutely [i]”nothing going on, god Feliks!”[/i] Yeah right. Seriously though, as much as it probably sucked for Wendy and Thea, Feliks was sooooooo happy they got mono. The yoga place hadn’t been able to get into touch with any of the ‘normal’ instructors so Feliks it was. Which meant a day full of classes, lustful glance from the guys and girls who came, free goodies from the moms who were worried about his eye, and a pretty quality paycheck! Woot woot! Feliks finally wrapped up his last class of the day and hit the showers. Yogavana, despite the deplorable name, was a quality joint and Feliks really appreciated the fancy shmancy-ness of their bathrooms. They looked like something out of a woodsy resort 20 years in the future. Plus, the water pressure was absolutely divine. When Feliks finally finished up he made his way into the locker room and checked his phone for the first time since morning. Whoops… That was a lot of missed texts. Also, it was almost time for the party and he did NOT have the proper attire. Ugh. Okay. He could do this. Step one: respond to texts. [center] [hider= Text from Eva notsoDarling] You're such a bad influence on me. I almost missed my shoot in the morning because of you! ( >д<) [/hider] Re: Eva notsoDarling [color=#c5f1d0]Sorry not sorry darling <3 But really, sorry ‘bout the lack of responses. Last minute fill in for friends. See you at the party tonight- First person to get an embarrassing photo of a friend, or lock two people in a closet together wins the night?[/color] [hider= Text (2) from Connor Competitor] (1) Alright man if you’re sure you’re good. Can’t help but worry sometimes, you know? I’m at the Mighty Bean with Eva and Benji rn. I’ll be back up there in a bit, need my gym clothes. See ya then (2) I didn’t see you at the apartment at all! You’d better be at the party zzzZZZzzz [/hider] Re: Connor Competitor [color=#c5f1d0]Ack, sorry bro, stuff to do, place to be etc. Be there at party. Btw, got [u] a bunch [/u] of free treats along the way for the apt stock pile, we are so set! [/color] [hider= Text from Jayman Rock*] G'morning. Got drunk on accident, massive headache. May have new tattoo, made out with another homeless man or sang "Mama Mia" again. Hope you're happy and laughing about this *sarcasm*. Heading to Mighty Bean, you there? [/hider] Re: Jayman Rock* [color=#c5f1d0]Yo, missed this completely. My B, see you tonight. Also yes, V happy, adventures are good![/color] [hider= Text from Queenie] Stop dressing my friggin’ cat! D:< [/hider] Re: Queenie [color=#c5f1d0]I have no idea what you’re talking about, though I’m sure your cat would look absolutely fabulous in any sort of sweater, collar, or…hat >:3 [/color] Text from: Yoga Thea Thanks for the save! Owe you! Let me know when you aren’t busy being somewhere or someone, we’ll make you dinner sometime Re: Yoga [color=#c5f1d0]Lol, we? Called it, for the record. Ch’ussss to dinner, I’ll let you know.[/color] [/center] Okay, texting done. Step 2: clothes. Feliks donned his regular attire left the studio with a quick wave to Cheryl at the front desk. Who responded by flipping him off. Well fuck you too Cheryl. He had a few options to hit up on the way to Nats house. Three casual buds, two peeps he’d hooked up with a few times, and a party store. The party store would have to be a last resort. They’d probs have what he wanted, but he wanted to save his yoga paycheck for rent, food, and his phonebill. Plus he’d already dropped cash on a gift and he didn’t like Nat [i]that[/i] much. A multitude of house visits and favor calling it was!