[center][img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/91ab/th/pre/i/2013/096/f/e/kai_ookami_by_mattbob3194-d60n2aj.png[/img] [h2]Ninko Hazuchi[/h2] Red Sages territory [@Savato][/center] Ninko had his hopes rise when it looked like Arima seemed to believe his story and this made him unprepared for what came next. Before he could react, the Red Sage knocked him into a state of unconsciousness. [i]shit![/i] he thought himself as his world went black and his became full of images of the terrible things would happen to him once he awoke from his unconsciousness. He didn't know how long he was out, but when he awoke he found himself in a shed of some sort and Ninko looked around quickly. Where was he now? Ninko wasn't sure if his plan was a good and now he was probably a prisoner. His eyes caught sight of some Red Sages who were keeping guard of the building and Ninko wondered if they were his jailers. He couldn't believe how different his plan had gone and he began to think about what his situation had become. One part of him thought that he was captured and would face torture to get information, while the other part was still hopeful that his ruse to get into the Red Sages was successful. If Arima had thought that he was a confederation shinobi trying to fool them then he would have just killed him and be done with it. Maybe they were just wanting to be sure that he wasn't going to betray them. This meant that they would probably test him in his loyalty to their cause and that would probably mean that he would be forced to kill or partake on a mission against the confederation. Ninko would just have to accept it and he thought of an old saying,'sometimes a person has to make sacrifices to be successful' Ninko would have to do things that he would not like in order to have his plan be successful. He just hoped that he would at least get the chance to join the Red Sages and not just tortured and killed.