[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090302163259/es.starwars/images/2/24/Segundabatalldtatooine.jpg[/img] [color=fff200] The [b]GALACTIC EMPIRE[/b] has been dealt a crippling blow, the Death Star has been destroyed during the battle of Yavin and the highest ranks of the Empire have had to be replaced. In this time of weakness the [b]REBEL ALLIANCE[/b] has began a ambitious push to use this momentum to take territory in the Mid-Rim of the galaxy liberating much needed territory gaining supplies and personnel. [b]LUKE SKYWALKER[/b], [b]PRINCESS LEIA[/b], [b]HAN SOLO[/b] and [b]CHEWBACCA[/b] heroes of the Alliance are performing their own missions in a bid to keep the evil Empire off balance after the victory at Yavin. Though the war is not as easy for everyone as it is for the so called band of heroes. In the trenches determined rebels fight against the unrelenting forces of the Imperial War Machine. [b]SCORCH COMPANY[/b] also known as the 121st Mobile Infantry has fought a grueling war ever since the formation of the Alliance. Under the command of [b]CAPTAIN TYRELL QUEE[/b] it has become an effective fighting unit for the Alliance, used as both an assault unit and a rearguard in times of retreat. Though as the war grinds on and the Rebel Alliance pushes harder than ever before, Scorch and company's like it are put at risk... [/color][/center] [hr] This thread is for discussion between [@Gowi][@Hexaflexagon][@Sundered Echo][@Vietmyke][@CQBEXPT] and anyone else that anyone tagged decides to invite. It's going to be a RP planned by us, ran by us (With no set GM). It's going to revolve around Scorch Company and their exploits during the Galactic Civil War. As there'll be no set GM I have a friend from outside the Guild who will be acting as High Command (He has a Guild account but whether or not he'll use it is up to him). [hr] [h2]What We Know[/h2] [i]A.K.A What we've planned.[/i] Support I am including as Medics (Who aren't combat ready, combat medics aren't included in support figures), Pilots and Engineers. [b]Our Ship:[/b] Consular Class Cruiser - C70 retrofit [b]Ship Troop Strength:[/b] 40 Strong (Including Support) [b]Company Strength:[/b] 342 (Including Support) [b]Company Strength:[/b] 280 (Excl. Support) [b]Vehicles:[/b]2x X-Wings, 2x Y-Wings, 19 Speeder Bikes, 1 Speeder (With turret mount) [i]All players will be in the same squad (Number specific, obviously if we have a larger group we'll divide into squads)[/i] [hr] I will post my proposals below. [hr] Later contacted (As I forgot I had courted the idea with them): [@Zoldyck][@Sloth][@Dblade26]