[quote=@Sep] The Fleet: Discussion of the fleet between me and [@Sundered Echo] had us at a Consular Class Cruiser C70 retrofit as our main ship, using it to land on planets and act as a kind of mobile base. A CR90 which would host the bulk of Scorchs personnel and a Wayfarer-Medium Class Transport that was retrofit to carry an additional two fighters at the cost of cargo space and living area. Though I had an idea for our main ship, something that could land on planets easily, hold it's own, carry personnel and any vehicles. While also acting as a troopship with multiple egress points. I came up with using a [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/CR25_troop_carrier/Legends]CR25[/url]. Obviously I'm open to suggestions and have several of my own I just like the look of this one. We could even have it carry the LAATs due to the lack of docking space on the CR90 (Which only has one berth unless specially modified). I dunno, any ideas? [/quote] CLONES CLONES CLONES CLONES