Galvus took a moment to size up the amphibious being in front of him, taking in every small detail about her. From the somewhat bulky envirosuit to her stance and breathing pattern, putting together his own little psych profile on her before replying. When he finally did, after a considerable delay, took her hand and shook it vigorously. [color=a36209][i]"I go by Galvus Velinian, and I'm honored to join."[/i][/color] He chuckled a bit after his introduction, taking his hand back and crossing his arms in the process. If he had the option, this would've been the point where he would launch into a monologue about his achievements as a soldier of fortune, but he decided against it. Reena looked like someone he might end up attached to for one reason or another, and it helped to not sound like a megalomaniac in front of someone who might be saving your ass in the foreseeable future. [color=a36209][i]"What is it you do for the Monroe? You don't see many Sorlas on exploration ships these days."[/i][/color] Velinian decided to take a few steps on to the massive ship, choosing to pull a mandible back in a smirk at the security officer from no less than five minutes ago, who was still glowering at the lizard.