[Hider=Bakk (Nithing)] [b]Name:[/b] Bakk [b]Race:[/b] Venar [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Appearance:[/b] Broad shouldered with rough brown hide-like skin, Bakk stands at six foot five and would be considered ‘stocky’ by his race’s standards. His large form is predominantly muscular rather than fatty due to his unusual diet. His body seems relatively human, though large in every sense as his hands and forearms proclaim powerful dense bones. His body hair grows thick and course brown and covers his chest back arms and legs almost to the point of making him look animalistic. His face is large with a pronounced jawline and brow, and his unnaturally sharp and large canines jut upwards from his bottom lip. He wears his hair tied back at shoulder length and it has a messy knotted appearance, it is the same colour as his body hair and very thick and tough. [b]Clothing:[/b] Bakk dons himself in a fur and leather skirt somewhat similar to the lower half of a leather hauberk but with protection over the groin. It offers very little in the way of defence but also weighs him down and restricts him far less than any armour. Bakk usually wears a fur vest, which actually only constitutes his under-clothes when roaming his home ranges, but his ability to acclimatize to cold requires little else in more temperate climes. He wears simple fur boots sewn together to repair consistent damage, though his skin is tough enough to do without them cold would still likely cause frostbite and the loss of toes in the more extreme seasons. [b]Equipment:[/b] Bakk travels incredibly light, with a number of survivalist skills under his belt he requires little more than a pouch of essentials and a leather water-skin. Within the pouches are flint and tinder, twine and smoked meat. He also carries a six inch wood cutting knife in a leather sheath. [b]Weapons:[/b] Bakk’s weapons are multi-purpose in that he hunts and fights with the same equipment. He carries one iron war-axe and three to four sharpened stone throwing axes. [b]Skills:[/b] Bakk is a nomad and a hunter from the extreme northern mountain ranges, his skills as such are suited to survival in such an extreme clime. [b]Survivalist:[/b] Bakk can survive in harsh conditions and hunt for food, though his skill at hunting animals doesn’t translate outside of the wilds, he could reliably stalk even intelligent prey if given suitable conditions. A dependency on his throwing skills to maintain his life and the age at which he has reached are both signs that his axe throwing is impeccable for such an imprecise art. [b]Tribal:[/b] Bakk has a ferocious strength born from his primitive roots, though the Venar have come into contact with civilisation more often in recent times they are slow to adapt new ways, and compensate with their natural strengths. [b]Beast:[/b] The Venar have an affinity with carnivorous animals that borders on the super-natural, and their fighting mimics these creatures. Though Bakk has no formal axe training he can overcome better equipped opponents by merit of his strength and ferocity more often than not. However, the tendency to beserk can be a double-edged sword, and quick intelligent foes with better equipment would be sure to undo him eventually. [b]One with the Wilds:[/b] The Venar are closely attached to the natural world, and most exhibit incredibly acute senses, they can hear and smell extremely well and can see in low-light conditions, though the down-side is that they rarely maintain above average human intelligence, and many fall below. [b]Misc:[/b] Bakk prefers meat raw, and only smokes a small portion of his kill for lean times. Bakk has a poor grasp of the common tongue, which makes him seem particularly unintelligent, though not a genius by any stretch Bakk is smart enough for his race, but this only comes out when conversing in his own tongue. Bakk has a short temper in certain circumstances, and a disdain for outside races which makes him remarkably anti-social. However, the language barrier tends to make him out as a mysterious savage rather than an ill-tempered recluse. Bakk has a poor tolerance for heat and grows incredibly ill-tempered and uncomfortable in warmer climes. Bakk is often startled by sudden loud noises, and would be alarmed by the sound of a gunshot. [b]Background:[/b] Bakk had lived a turbulent and mobile life, even for a Venar. He left his mother tribe at fifteen years of age after his brother ascended to tribe chief, and wandered the wilds alone for five years, as was custom for his people. Eventually he made contact with a new tribe and made a home for himself amongst them. Venar tribes are incredibly tight nit and small by necessity, with only twenty to thirty people in the largest. They often skirmish among themselves and with slavers from the south east, and Bakk had it no different. Distinguished as a warrior and a hunter, as one would expect of a prospective tribe chief who had been taught little else as a child, he quickly ascended the ranks in his new tribe, to the point where he was eligible for the chief’s daughter. Surprisingly, considering the nature of his society, his growing relationship with his promised wife, Elera, was actually a mutual one, and Bakk lived happily for eight years in the tribe. However, there was discontent to be found, which came to a head when the wise old Chief died, leaving behind him a son and daughter. The son ascended the tribe and perceived Bakk as a threat, though little seemed to come of this hostility. However, one year prior to the present day the tribe was caught up in a vicious slaver raid that saw horrific circumstances befall them. Bakk challenged the Chief to a duel in the following days and when refused killed him in cold blood, accepting exile. Becoming an Outlaw was not a particularly unusual experience for a Venar, but Bakk was haunted and driven in equal measure by whatever happened on those fateful days. He began to seek out contact with low-landers and southerners, desperate for information. He found out a hard truth, nothing came for free. However, he was put into contact with someone who had the means to give him answers he sought, and jumped at the chance. Luckily his skills as a warrior and a hunter would serve him once more. [/hider] [hider=Venar Fluff] Venar: Beast-Men of the Ferendis Range The Venar are in many ways similar to the Ventus and many have claimed that they must share some common ancestry. However, culturally they could be no more different, the Venar are a nomadic tribal people who are roughly 90% carnivorous. They have an affinity for cold and the wilds and their social structure is one of small secluded tribes of roughly 20-30 people with a Chief and ruling family. To describe the Venar as pack hunters would not be too harsh a description, they have created no great works of art and have rarely strayed from outside their range. However, it has been said that even if they had anything worth taking few would try, the Venar are an extreme threat to large forces in their own territory, and many a passing army has suffered severe attrition from Venar hunters. Only some of the hardiest and most skilled slaver bands from Vrent and further south venture into their ranges with hostile intent, and many pay with their lives. However, the Venar are prized specimens, many reaching seven foot in height with powerful bear-like builds and appearances. Their women are more slender and usually a good few inches shorter than the men, with comparatively softer features. However, both sexes are natural fighters and hunters. With the exclusion of these two main past-times the Venar’s affinity with the wilds also serves as the foundation of their spiritualism. They worship nature itself, specifically referring to something known as the ‘Roots of the Great Tree’ and believe only in one’s place in the cycle of life. Each tribe enforces its own rules and the rule of the strongest tends to hold the most weight. Those gifted with magic are known as Shamans and incredibly rare, though there is a surprisingly high amount of magic within most Venar, it tends to exhibit itself in physical ways. Particularly, most Venar are gifted with a supernatural control over carnivores, and can avoid fighting most predators using this innate ability. This fairly common trait is sometimes found in extremes among the Venar, and those afflicted are known as ‘Bear-Kin’ not unlike Beserkers in Norse mythology. Their affinity to Beasts causes them to adopt the traits of animals in extreme circumstances. It’s the Bear-Kin which predominantly account for the Venar’s ferocity in battle. Classifications Species: Mammal, Humanoid Homeland: Ferendis Mountain Range in the north, some may be found in adjacent ranges and further south as slaves or explorers, though most die soon after leaving the northern mountains. Appearance: Bear-Like men, large boned, tall with brown hide-like skin, sharp teeth and shrewd eyes. Not unlike Neanderthals. Women are smaller with slighter softer features, but still comparatively animalistic compared to ordinary humans. Lifespan: 60-70 years Society: Nomadic Tribes, 20-30 people, low tech/tribal Diet: 90% Carnivore, 10% Vegetation, Bark and Seasoning, most prefer meat raw Intelligence: Average human and below intelligence. Main traits/professions: Animalistic physicality, powerful bodies and dense bones make them natural fighters, acute senses make them exceptional hunters. [/hider]