[center][h1][color=blue][b]Johanna Phillips Demolished High School Los Angeles, California [/b][/color][/h1][/center] "Do you mind?" Johanna's uttered rudely as some girl brushes passed her a little too close to comfort. Although she appeared to be in high spirits Johanna was still feeling a little shaken up from her punishment. Her eyes trailed back in the direction the girl had come from. "Check out this broad Walter, bloody parks her rust bucket in the middle of the street like she owns the place...nobody can even get out. So rude." Like she could talk, she was no Saint but that didn't stop her from calling others out. And even though the girl's car wasn't really in their way or stopping them from doing their job it still seemed to bother her. It was almost like she wanted to pick a fight with someone. She could hear Agent Black's voice in the back of her head saying [i]"Behave yourself.[/i] a sinister smirk spread across her lips. [i]I'll behave alright.[/i] "OI BIMBO!" Johanna shouted towards the girl. "THIS ISN'T A PARKING SPOT YOU KNOW...." She was cut short hearing someone cry out in agony behind her. Johanna quickly span around to find a young looking guy covered in blood shuffling around the orange mustang before finally collapsing to the ground a few feet or so away from her. "Well this is interesting...very interesting." She mumbled to herself as she realised the boy had come out of the other girl's car. Johanna instinctively and swiftly makes her way over to the guy. She crouches down right next to him not to help him back but instead to get a better look at him. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" Her eyes quickly shifted over the boy's body analysing and examining his wounds. "What have you been up to?" She chuckles to herself. However, before she could continue she was cut short again. "Johanna this is not what we have been assigned...let's go." Johanna flinched slightly as Walter grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her to her feet. His pull wasn't strong, she merely cringed because he gripped hold of abrasions on her wrist that she had received from the chains she was tied down with. She instantly tugged at her sleeve to cover her injuries as she suddenly felt somewhat ashamed. [i]"Just a scratch don't be such a baby."[/i] A strange yet somewhat familiar voice echoed in her head. "...Come on everyone's getting distracted let's pass through police"." Johanna's head jerked upright before noticing everyone rushing towards them to aid the boy. The remaining officers stationed at the barrier appeared to be preoccupied with watching the paramedics. Walter whips out two fake CIA badges and moves towards one of the officers. Johanna hesitates for a moment as she finds herself torn between curiosity and obligation. "JOHANNA." "Okay..." She mumbles before proceeding after her colleague. [@Simple Unicycle] [@Nallore]