Cecil felt he was out of the loop with a lot of the stuff that was often discussed among the others, usually because it involved the discussions being about what fleshy beings always did. Things like eating, washing and some animal stuff was just lost on him and while he did wonder what happened to the stuff they consumed he probably shouldn’t ask about it. Nymira didn’t seem to like talking about organic functions if she was complaining about something the horse did that he completely missed. Maybe it was for the best that he missed it, seeing how upset she was about it. He was definitely going to keep certain questions out of the way for now and try to keep to the more serious questions, namely what they are planning on doing now. Having him be questioning everything would probably get annoying for the others, but for him the world was a whole new place so he felt there was definitely some out of many that he should really ask about before it was too late. He wanted to see if he could get through a day without asking a question eventually, but that might be a while. Luckily for him they had only been together for a couple of nights so he could always try and get all the questions over and done with pretty soon and then leave them free for the rest of their time together. He didn’t know how far away the city was at this point but he was still sure he was going to be able to fit in all the questions. “Hmm…relieved itself? That sounds peaceful”, he spoke, trying to think of what it could possibly mean. Maybe it sighed and that bugged her, but otherwise he was certainly trying to understand her. Smiling as he leaned up his leg he looked over at Nymira again as she spoke about them all, making him raise questions that he probably wouldn’t otherwise think of as being a valid during that little thought of hers. It was just something he was concerned with, especially after last night. All this mention of these figures that were probably fairly big people to them, these Saints and the Magi that were apparently related to them in some way. He didn’t know why he was called a Magi by them, he didn’t even know what the power he displayed was. He was questioning so much in his head about that, but he didn’t know how to sound it out as to not sound like a complete idiot. They all seemed to know so much about these Saints and Magi, so hearing him ask about it would probably mean trying to find the right moment to ask just so he didn’t sound stupid. Taking the rest of the ride easy he had laid down on his spot as the cart bumped along, staring up as he conserved energy. It was certainly relaxing not having to walk so much and they were probably making good time too. After a while of travelling he heard Ethan speak up, looking up momentarily before slowly sitting up. The scenery hadn’t changed that much, yet it felt like a whole new world to him. Staring around slowly he soon looked to Ethan and Nymira again as they went over a plan as to what was going on. This whole thing was probably going to be a new experience too, but from the sound of it they were going to have to meet someone who carried some sort of title. “Uhh, meeting with someone means I should not be there, right?” he questioned them, not feeling so sure himself, “People seemed to freak out a lot when they found out I was a Machina. The people you will be meeting might do the same and try to take me back to the factory again”.